Smollett File Unsealed – IOTW Report

Smollett File Unsealed

ABC 7 Chicago

A judge ordered prosecutors and police to unseal documents in the case of “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett on Thursday.

The records were sealed in March shortly after charges against Smollett were abruptly dropped by prosecutors. Attorneys representing the media, including ABC7, challenged the sealing of the records. More



14 Comments on Smollett File Unsealed

  1. Smollett, who is a flaming butt pirate, was told he had to eat Foxx’s stinky tuna fish taco and he would be free from prosecution. Guess it worked.

  2. But. . . But. . . Butt Proof

    but now it’s 151 Proofed and will hang around guess whose neck candidate by another guess who candidate disguised as a third guess who candidate. Summer juice. Democrat style.

  3. We all know where this is going,
    Back to a phone call from Mitch Obama directing all and sundry to drop charges
    Zip, zero, nada
    Some mid level flunky will be ‘reprimanded, and re-trained’

  4. Are they ALL the sealed documents? Unsealing them is kind of a big thing because now they can be brought up in a court case. And it’s not unreasonable to assume that a few people might be lining up to sue both Foxx and Smollett.

  5. With black democrats it is ALWAYS about race and tribalism. They have no clue what law and justice is about. If a white man did what Smollet did but attempted to frame non-existent black attackers, this very same prosecutor who illegally let Smollett off the hook would be trying to get the perp the longest prison term she could possibly squeeze out of a judge.

    She let that faggot Smollett off because he was black, democrat, and famous.

  6. That reminds me of a case years ago. A teenager’s parents were murdered. A police officer simply asked what happened and the kid admitted to the murder.

    The confession was thrown out because he had not been read his rights even though “Somebody killed my parents” was all the officer was looking for. Because the confession was thrown out, there was not much else on which to build a case, so that kid walked.

    Later he’s was on 60 Minutes, I think it was, and he bragged how he got away with murder. Inasmuch as the case was not pursued and he was not acquitted, they took him to trial and used the televised confession to convict him. Televised interviews are not covered by the Miranda ruling.

    People need to learn to shut up.

  7. Until I get a serious heart-felt apology for the smear against us white, MAGA, racist, supremacist haters, they can FOAD.

    Oh, and pay me my reparations.


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