Smooth Move – IOTW Report

Smooth Move


Meet Christina Ferguson.  She isn’t the brightest of Hillary supporters.  On Monday old Christina here, drunk off her butt,  noticed a meeting going on in her town of Amherst, WI.  Thinking it was a Trump rally, Christina crashed the event to let everyone there know how much she dislikes Hillary’s opponent.  When kicked, out Ms. Ferguson acquired a jar of creamy peanut butter and smeared the contents on some of the vehicles in the parking lot.


18 Comments on Smooth Move

  1. See the self satisfied smirk on that adult brat? That’s the smile of a person who thinks being able now say she has a criminal record for Hillary is something to be PROUD of!

  2. She is quite unatractive. There I go again–making fun of a liberals appearance. I’m sure she is a wonderful person when she isn’t shitfaced and drawing peanut butter dicks on cars.

  3. Leftist women are such a continuing disappointment as Citizens.

    Smug, childlike and hopelessly stupid.
    Maybe it’s time to rethink this whole women’s-universal-suffrage experiment.

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