Smug “Comedian” Talks Trump – IOTW Report

Smug “Comedian” Talks Trump

I want to punch her in the throat box, because I can’t stand her voice.

(And to tell the truth, I’m not that happy with the voices on the Trump supporters.) (What’s with people’s voices??????!!!???)


20 Comments on Smug “Comedian” Talks Trump

  1. Should we talk about the black “knockout games” you divisive bint? You’re not funny, not intelligent, and got out Trumped by his supporters in this clip. Now go slither back into your hole.

  2. She talks like Fiorina with that lower put on “gr” blend sound after her words. Maybe it comes from gargling too much. 🙂

    Guys do it also. Limbaugh does it sometimes. He does something else that makes me want to hit the radio. He does a “Hi there” in what would sound like a B- movie male C- actor trying to sound sexy, a sound that would have made me slap a dude in the face for even saying that to me when I was young.

    Hate it, hate it, hate it.

  3. She totally defined media elitism here. honestly, she kinda got bitched slapped around by that black guy and with some editing and ‘comebacks’ for her audience, she tried to regain her credibility. Too bad she had none.

  4. Interesting article on CNBC today, they actually pointed out Hillary supporters have the lowest average credit score out of all the candidates. What’s that saying, a fool and his money…….. Ahh hell it’s actually written in support of her.. FREE SHIT. The top 5 articles of the day had 3 against Trump – Divider, One of Top 10 global threats, and something about xenophobia.

    I’m fed up with all the negatives on Trump – I’ve never witnessed a pile on like this, on either side. This is bullshit and everyone can fuck right off, croaky voices and all.

  5. This is all so edited. All of her “responses” are cut in after the fact. All that “exasperation” and “are you kidding me?” shit she is dripping with…all acted out after the event. I would NEVER agree to sit for these evil hacks.

  6. Well, there’s two minutes of my life wasted, never to be regained. The interviewer is a total bint. Leading questions, edited answers, cut in responses.
    Another fine example of a Dem-S-M presstitute at work. And the sad thing is, you don’t even get the satisfaction of a good orgasm.

  7. I believe the guy nailed it when he called the reporter there “a trickle down media whore.” Made me laugh. There wasn’t anything wrong with the Trump supporters voices, but that reporter had a punchable face.

  8. Isn’t she from the Daily Show or something like that? She trying to be a ‘Jeanne Moos’, but fails because she’s not cute and funny, she’s condescending and insulting.

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