Smug Vox Writer, Aaron Rupar, Makes an Imbecile of Himself Trying To Shame the President – IOTW Report

Smug Vox Writer, Aaron Rupar, Makes an Imbecile of Himself Trying To Shame the President

Beyond parody — Fox Business cuts away from Trump’s speech right after he laments, bizarrely, that tractors can’t hook up to the internet. -Aaron Rupar

You see, if it’s not about HeeHives or lotions and creams, VOX writers have no clue. They like to say that the red states would be helpless without the blue states. In reality, after the cucumber in his ass goes rotten, without the right the left would be out of vegetables.

18 Comments on Smug Vox Writer, Aaron Rupar, Makes an Imbecile of Himself Trying To Shame the President

  1. Bo-Toxxed Nancy was just on babbling all LGBTQRSTUXY&Z and lip-serving Pro-America and stuff while bending America over to pay for massive numbers of illegals health care and housing and food and schools and on and on and on and on.

    Piss Off Nancy

  2. SHAZZAM GUBER!….ever seen the cockpit of a modern Tractor? It’s like a fighter jet….GPS knows exactly where you are in the field, what’s been planted and where you need to plant and designs the best path…
    This asshole thinks milk comes from grocery stores and his Prius writes music in that little CD thingy…..

  3. Modern farm equipment is highly computerized. I know a farmer who tills his fields while drinking coffee at his kitchen table. During planting and harvesting, the farmers are in the cab watching the equipment work. The technology makes farming far more efficient than it was 20 years ago. Much of the technology relies on GPS, but much of also requires reliable and fast internet connections.

    I now live in a rural area, and internet access sucks. But farmers aren’t relying on internet access in order to watch cat videos or browse the hook-up apps – they need it to feed the world.

  4. This reminds me of the story after W sent an aircraft carrier to the Middle East after a big earthquakes. At a party there was a conversation went along these lines:

    Leftist: How stupid. What good is an aircraft carrier going to do?

    Conservative: Aircraft carriers have huge hospitals on them that can treat hundreds of people. They also have huge water desalination plants on them that can supply drinking water to many people.

    Leftist: Oh.

  5. modern technology is why American farmers are far more productive than any other country’s farmers. America is the world’s breadbasket. Without our foodstuffs, probably a billion or more people in third world shitholes would die within months.

  6. WILLY-B-RIGHT.High tech computers in
    John Deere now.They use lasers set up
    in the fields to help place small levees
    when planting rice fields.They got Sat. comm.
    equipment too.Just like GM onstar.

  7. Blue states would starve & die
    without Red states.Red stater’s can
    turn wrenches and fix things.Blue staters
    can peck on a key board about how bad
    they hate our President.

  8. I worked for a farmer’s co-operative and learned so much while I was there. The really good farmers were millionaires plus, had incorporated their farms because of taxes and used GPS off of American satellites in order to plant that extra row of pinto beans or lentils. If they couldn’t connect to the American satellite, then their fallback was the Russian satellite. Most profitable farms in Canada are within 250 miles of the American border. Yes, their tractors were hooked up to the Internet along with their phones. This is a very good thing in case there is an accident out in the field, the survival rate is much better.

  9. The Soy Boi and the rest of his urban idiot friends all think like AOC that food magically comes out of the ground. He would be befuddled about how the dealer he buys his pot from does it, let alone growing 1000 acres of wheat.


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