“Snakes” On a Plane – IOTW Report

“Snakes” On a Plane

KFI: Nasty Airline Report: Feces, urine, and a foul odor.

Flying isn’t fun, it’s a real pain in the butt. But we usually get through them relatively unscathed, and we don’t have to deal with the horror stories we always hear about.

So if your last flight was good, count your blessings. Here are three nasty stories from some foul flights.

The first one involves a United flight that from Chicago to Hong Kong that had to be redirected to Alaska because a passenger smeared feces all over the place. He decorated a couple of the plane’s bathrooms with his poop and also took of his shirt and shoved it in a toilet.

He ended up cooperating with the flight crew and was taken by FBI agents for a psych evaluation when the plane landed.

Butt, that’s not all!

3 Comments on “Snakes” On a Plane

  1. International flights get nasty. I once flew from Berlin to New York seated next to a guy (aisle seat) who was a Polish laborer on a merchant ship going to a new assignment (I speak very rudimentary Polish as I am about a 1/3 Polish).

    His body odor was so bad I had to destroy my clothes when I got home just from being close proximity to the guy. By the end of a 10 hour flight all the bathrooms are bad because of 3rd world hygiene issues.

    Another reason I’ll never fly again.

  2. “He ended up cooperating with the flight crew and was taken by FBI agents for a psych evaluation when the plane landed.”

    I’ll just bet he did. And we know who the junior-est members of the flight crew were; they’re the ones with the shit smeared on them.

    And re: the “More” link. Only one photo of the offenders, and it’s the white guy. No others were identified. Why do I think of trips to the monkey house?

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