Sniveling Weak People Aghast at Pushback After They Start Culture War – IOTW Report

Sniveling Weak People Aghast at Pushback After They Start Culture War

22 Comments on Sniveling Weak People Aghast at Pushback After They Start Culture War

  1. Love the mask wearer… Ridicule is not something these wimps can take or understand.

    This is not hate. This is ridicule. Hate would involve fighting and throwing bricks – something only antifa types would do.

  2. Throwing rubber bracelets on the road is violence? You liberal folks need to visit most of the rest of the world and get out more.

  3. So violent ripping up a flag or throwing a trinket meant to conquer you with the gay mafias BS. Treat that as worse than if they threatened to bomb the place like leftists do.

  4. Out of a vast country of over 330 million plus people how much of a percentage of the total US population do these freaks actually represent. My best guess would be far less than a half of percentage point and probably less. Why should 99.95% or larger of our population even pay any attention to these delusional fools.

  5. Zoomers, had to look it up. Interestingly enough I see a lot of young people around my area sporting “Let’s Go Brandon” tee shirts. I always shake their hands and tell them Good Man.

  6. I figured this would eventually happen. Teenagers are naturally rebellious. The harder the left tries to indoctrinate them, the more adversaries they’ll create.

  7. An employee (sarcastically) asked if I was going to do anything for pride month. I said I was going to park my car in the rear of the building so I could go in the back door.

  8. There was a time in my life when the only chance you’d have to meet these people would be while visiting the State Facility where they’re kept from harming themselves or others.
    Where did those places go?

  9. “I figured this would eventually happen. Teenagers are naturally rebellious. The harder the left tries to indoctrinate them, the more adversaries they’ll create.”

    Yeah, especially American teenagers. I’ve actually been waiting for this to start for quite awhile now. I remember telling my sister a couple of years ago that sooner or later this stuff (identity polictics/social justice/woke mentality) was going to backfire on the far left. They want to paint themselves as fighting for the underdogs but if you are controlling the narrative you are the establishment. You are the thing to be rebelled against.

    And it’s about time too.

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