Snopes Running Defense For Support of Pederasty – IOTW Report

Snopes Running Defense For Support of Pederasty

Hot Salsa sent in this clip.

We ran it in April. I decided to run the names through a search engine and see if there were any updates.

I found Snopes claiming that the charge against the California high school district, that they were normalizing pedophilia, was FALSE.

Their denials seemed desperate and weak.

That led me to this video. Let Snopes debunk this —>

This professor is shouted down by his own students for stating FACTS about the linkage between Queer Theory/Anarchy/Pedophilia.

At one point a student shouts out that he’s a homophobe. Another says he’s a transphobe.

He points out that he’s reading directly from the Queer Theory manifesto.

10 Comments on Snopes Running Defense For Support of Pederasty

  1. legalized moral deviancy … & it is rampantly normal & acceptable in many circles of society

    … maybe this country does need to collapse … or at least some sort of ‘separation’ … not in the secessionist civil-war sense (maybe), but more aligned in the “‘walking dead’ walled-off from the zombies” sense

    … a truly modern, civilized society cannot survive by legal pedophilia, baby murder, human slave & sex slave-trafficking, & sanctioned child abuse in the form of ‘trans-gendering’.

    the ‘progressive’ Marxists believe this is the way to control us to achieve their newest & greatest (never tried before!) Utopia, always w/ them in charge … of course … & it’s working … we are returning to oligarchy … to feudalism

    we don’t push back … we, our children, our grandchildren, the world, lose

    we are close to the brink … when you stare into the abyss what do you see?

    ok, enough of that downer … how ’bout them Patriots? … & they got Antonio Brown!!! wassup wid dat?

  2. Just like Weimar Germany. Guess who started pushing pedophilia acceptance on the Germans. Take a wild guess who did it then and is doing it now. Go ahead. Take a shot in the dark. Whose m.o. is this? Who is in such total control of our cultural narratives that they can try to pull this off on us?

  3. Maybe I’ll come back later to view the above. Being a malcontent I don’t need to add to it this AM.

    Thank You to whatever gave me my two “normal successfuls” who weren’t exposed to any of this crap. And they want to have kids? Takes a very brave person to tackle that one in our current world.

    Think I go start my yard work…


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