Snot Faced David Hogg’s Profanity Laced Diatribe Against “Old-A$$ Parents” – IOTW Report

Snot Faced David Hogg’s Profanity Laced Diatribe Against “Old-A$$ Parents”

This pencil neck is so undeveloped he is still at the stage where he thinks peppering his speech with profanity makes him seem “adult” and “smart.”

It doesn’t. It makes him childish, which is not his fault, because he’s a child, a child that the left lauds as an intellectual.


“It just makes me think what sick f**kers out there want to continue to sell more guns, murder more children, and honestly just get reelected,” Hogg said. “What type of sh*tty person does that? They could have blood from children splattered all over their faces and they wouldn’t take action, because they all still see these dollar signs.”

When your old-ass parent is like, ‘I don’t know how to send an iMessage,’ and you’re just like, ‘Give me the f*cking phone and let me handle it.’ Sadly, that’s what we have to do with our government: our parents don’t know how to use a f*cking democracy, so we have to.”

Hogg said he doesn’t care about the lip service politicians pay when they express their condolences after a shooting because they’re insincere. “Those f*ckers aren’t getting re-elected,” said young Hogg, who’s not even old enough to vote.

Does Hogg think it cool to speak in a way closer to a mass-murderer than, say, old a$$es? – bfh

That also didn’t stop illegal alien Luis Bracamontes from shooting two San Diego police officers to death in 2014 and then laughing about it. At trial, Bracamontes told the judge his only regret was that he didn’t kill more Americans.

“Only thing that I f—en regret is that I f—en killed two,” Bracamontes laughed. “[I wish I] had killed more of the motherf—ers!”

32 Comments on Snot Faced David Hogg’s Profanity Laced Diatribe Against “Old-A$$ Parents”

  1. Definitely an angry children of the corn vibe going on there.

    Kid’s going to implode. Either that, or someone is going to take unkindly to his arrogance in a bad way.

  2. who gives children a platform to speak in a conversation about important subjects like gun control and public safety thinking they have something positive to add to the conversation ?

    any one who takes this child’s “criticism” as insightful needs to come out of their mothers basement and view reality.

  3. The video has a lot of hard edits, indicating that he needed multiple takes. This kid and his videos are designed to get a rise out of people. That anyone takes him serious is as comical as his shtick.

  4. Nazi see, Nazi do.

    He is quite casual with his blood libel.

    Some people are just born #iamverysmart.

    Says the guy who did not know that the Second Amendment is in the Constitution.

    Hold my juice box, you stupid old fucks. Imma show you how Democracy works.

    Punkland School for The Undeservedly Entitled’s representatives are kind of making me sympathetic to hear what the shooter has to say at this point.

  5. “…blood from children splattered all over their faces…”

    Planned Parenthood anyone? Care to match numbers of dead children by PP vs gun crime? Blood indeed…

  6. There was a saloon that I used to stop into for cocktail hour. They had a policy when you used the “F” word you contributed a quarter to a jug. After a short time the “F” word was all but eliminated from the usual banter. Interesting just how many other words in the English language are available to express yourself

  7. To the untrained eye, this tragedy is the best thing that’s ever happened to Pigboi.

    A real big opportunity. Does he even attend that school anymore or is he on sabbatical?

  8. @bill March 23, 2018 at 1:48 pm

    > who gives children a platform to speak in a conversation about important subjects

    People whose thoughts on such subjects are similarly evolved. The United States has a population of roughly a third of a billion people. How hard do you think it will be, in any city with a population of at least a million people, to fill a hall with voters, actual voters, and have Mr. Hogg be the smartest person in the room? How many cities with a population of at least a million are scattered across the country?

    (By all means, constitutional conservatives of the smaht set, straighten your bowties, and explain, patiently, to America, at large, why they should volunteer to obey you. It’s certainly a plan.)

  9. Always remember where this is .. Broward County, one of the most arrogantly liberal counties in the country. This is one of the four counties that cooperated with the Democrats in their attempts to steal the election in 2000.

    This whole scheme was ruled a violation of the Equal Protection Clause, because only the votes of heavily democratic precincts of Southeast Florida were being fly specked — at the expense of voters in the Republican panhandle.

    These aren’t regular folks at all

  10. Who knew that mouthy, emaciated ectomorphs could be so popular with the younger millennial set? If this repulsive, scrawny POS wants to live to see his 40s, perhaps he’d better apprentice under the equally loathsome and silly Adam Schiff…

  11. Weak chinned, pencil necked, pinch liped, emaciated, snot nosed little punk seems to be oblivious to the fact that, with hundreds of millions of illegal guns out there, criminals and crazies are always going to be able to get a gun. Go into a bar in the sleazy part any American city – you’ll be able to buy any illegal gun you want within fifteen minutes.

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