Snow Blight Reviews are in and Set to Music – IOTW Report

Snow Blight Reviews are in and Set to Music


But we’re not done having some fun at the movie’s expense. Last week, right before the movie was released, someone added insult to injury by taking those trailer comments and setting them to music. The result was five and a half minutes of pure delight far more enjoyable than any scene from the film itself. More

There are actually four parts to the reviews set to music starting with this one. Watch

13 Comments on Snow Blight Reviews are in and Set to Music

  1. I love that parody; Disney really screwed the pooch with this shitty remake of Snow White. No thanks to anything Disney ever again until maybe (if ever) they pull their collective heads out of their asses. Anything Disney now sucks and has become the unhappiest, politically correct, gay, America hating corporation of all time.

  2. Because it’s SOOOOOOO…. BAD (HOW. BAD. IS. IT?)
    It’s SOOOOOO…Bad that it will become an instant MST3K classic.

  3. Mirror, mirror on the wall
    which studio had the gall,
    to make a bad movie that is so woke
    you wonder how big the budget was for all that coke.

  4. They tricked me into watching The Rings of Power, what a parade of DEI clap trap.
    Thought Snow was stupid the first time I saw it.
    Dancing hippos, that’s some good entertainment.

  5. The last movie I went to was “Sound of Freedom” and the few before that was the Dinesh D’Souzaa movies and Ben Stein’s “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed”.

    I haven’t been to a movie in the theater other than those since 2015.

    Hollywood sucks.

  6. I was sort of amazed that Disney didn’t hire Dylan Mulvaney to play Snow White! Still wouldn’t have watched this, of course. I would rather have sat around and watched Rachel Zegler’s back fur growing!

  7. The last movie I went to see at a theater was First Man. I have a friend that is a big science fiction fan and wanted to see it. Ryan Gosling was terrible in the leading role. Hollywood is dead.

  8. When I was young, in the early 1960’s, Sunday night was solid entertainment. Dinner was served at 5:00 pm because at 6:00 pm there was The Wonderful World of Disney, then at 7:00 pm, there was Bonanza and finally at 8:00 pm, there was The Ed Sullivan show. Saw the Beatles for the first time on February 8, 1964 when I was 12.
    Now Hollywood and TV is just a bunch of crap. I now subscribe to Britbox and happily watch TV shows made in the 1990’s and have also discovered the original The Saint starting in 1962 (I was 10).


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