Snow induced Interstate 81 multi-vehicle crash – IOTW Report

Snow induced Interstate 81 multi-vehicle crash

22 Comments on Snow induced Interstate 81 multi-vehicle crash

  1. I can never figure out why people immediately get out of their vehicles and stand around like dopes with their hands in their pockets while there are 18 wheelers barreling down on them. They must be Democrats.

  2. @Bob M.
    I81 has a ton of interstate traffic. This happened in the northbound lanes. Many snowbirds are heading North after spending winter in Florida and have completely forgotten how to drive in bad winter weather. They probably weren’t expecting a squall and it was very localized.

  3. Saw some pictures of the response. The ambulances couldn’t get close and the firetrucks had to strech a bunch of line since they have to run a tanker shuttle to supply it they can’t commit it into the pileup. That means guys are lugging hydraulics and backboards in and wheeling cots out, maybe even having to strecher them to cots since you can’t risk wheels on ice and there’s tons of debris and hose line anyway.

    Pretty taxing for the rescuers, and pretty hazardous for rescuer and rescuee alike.

    Dear Lord, you are an on time God, please help those who labor reach all in need on time so no more are lost. Please ease the suffering and speed the healing of the injured, guide the hands and minds of their healers, walk around their bedsides that they may receive Your full and complete healing and be restored speedily to those that love them. Lord, also comfort those who mourn tonight, strengthen them to do what need be done and to be able to go on through their sudden loss, dry their tears with the Blessed Assurance that those who are absent from the body are present with You this day, and that all who turn to You may be joyously reunited by and by.
    And Lord, protect those who labor to rescue them, keep fatigue from their minds and hands until all that needs done is complete, guide them speedily to those in need, and bless them to be able to forget when all is over.

    This is much to ask but you are more mighty than all, and it is to Your glory and Your mercy all praise will go, and we ask this all in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

    God Bless,

  4. Bad driving induced. Don’t blame the weather. And, while I’ve been caught out, sometimes any speed is “too fast for conditions”.

    Hope the death and injury was at a minimum.

  5. That first hit car and that guy standing in the dead zone got lucky. If he wasn’t a believer I hope he is now. That was crazy. I know some were killed. Forget the car, you’re alive.

  6. Hambone
    MARCH 28, 2022 AT 7:42 PM
    “I can never figure out why people immediately get out of their vehicles and stand around like dopes with their hands in their pockets while there are 18 wheelers barreling down on them.”

    …folks are stunned and mentally overloaded, thinking only of their own very local problem and are trained to expect some form of Government to come save and protect them, and so have no situational awareness.

    Many people do not have good emergecy responses. Some just lock up altogether when given a dire situation. Some have never faced emergency situations before.

    Some folks are just wired that way. Some run to danger, some run away, and some just freeze. You never know until you’re tested which one you are.

  7. Wow, that guy standing by his car almost bought the farm. Ya gotta have some situational awareness! I guy I worked with got killed in a similar situation – he was driving to work in a blizzard and stopped to help another motorist that had hit an icy spot and went off the road. When he was returning to his car another driver lost control on the ice and hit him. Because of the bad weather it took the ambulance over an hour to reach him. He died the next day.

  8. Looks like a fuel tanker right next to the fire. That ought to be special.

    I first thought I would stay in the car, and that one guy that got out seemed to prove me right, but I think heading into the woods was best until a wall of vehicles built up, then move downstream.

    Now, will they be able to stay warm, safe and not starve waiting for things to get sorted?

    All of them fools for driving fast in fog on such a slippery surface. Damn fools.

    Dude, if your Charger still runs without catching fire, at least you have shelter and warmth for the time being.

  9. I wonder if having a ‘Stupid Motorist Law’ would help. We have one. That’s what its called. Primarily used against people who drive into flash floods, it’s since been expanded.

    So, if you drive too fast for the conditions and crash, all the recovery costs are on you.

    People still do stupid stuff. But it’s less often. Part of it is the name, part of it is the liability. I know I think twice before bombing after storm lakes and questionable terrain. It doesn’t stop me, but I’m more aware that its all on me.

  10. The idiot with the camera apparently is the owner of the black Charger. He caused at least 2 accidents because he left his car parked in the traffic lane. But he got some great video. What an asshole.


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