Snuff Puppets – IOTW Report

Snuff Puppets

Petrus sent this in with the message, “Don’t watch the video.”

Now how am I supposed to not watch the video? What a stupid message.

Oh, by the way—>

Don’t Watch The Video

31 Comments on Snuff Puppets

  1. Oh, Lord. Forgive me for not listening to Fur.

    I know Trump is going to do his best to MAGA, but someone has to work on “art” and “entertainment” along with “education”. It may never get cleaned up until we bring God back into our country.

  2. What the hell is wrong with people? First the ones who created and presented this crap, then the ones who took their children to see it.

    It would certainly make me want to sew my vagina closed, had I seen that as a young lady!

  3. disgusting and satanic.
    One of the 1963 goals of communism=
    “make art ugly and repulsive”
    the ejaculating penis was a nice touch.
    reduce humans to the level of animals.

  4. I thought I was made of tougher stuff and could get through it. Nope. It was like watching Woody Allen’s “Everything you always wanted to know about sex” on LSD. Or something.

  5. @Southern Reality—that’s what I thought too! The Woody Allen movie was at least mildly entertaining, though. This was just…not normal. I got through the whole thing, though…kinda like driving past an accident, you can’t help but look, even though you try not to.

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