Snuffleupagus Tries To Resurrect Biden With an Interview – IT WAS JUST AS BAD – IOTW Report

Snuffleupagus Tries To Resurrect Biden With an Interview – IT WAS JUST AS BAD

27 Comments on Snuffleupagus Tries To Resurrect Biden With an Interview – IT WAS JUST AS BAD

  1. He lied 28 times?
    When Pres. Trump says we are a failing nation, etc.
    a Dem I know says that is a ‘lie’
    He also says (this Dem I know) that corporate ceo’s cannot make too much money–not in these words but its what was just said to me tonight. I said well that sounds like communism. The discussion went nowhere. Then he also talked about what is wrong with Kamala Harris anyway? Like she is as good as anybody.
    This guy actually says N word sometimes and I was brought up not to!
    He does not speak to other Trump lovers. I told him if he does he needs to be careful!

  2. Snuffleupagus: “It seemed like you were having trouble from the first question in.”

    Tanjoerine: “……………..Well I just had a bad night.”

    George, c’mon, man, why would you say something like that? Tanjoe was shooting daggers at you with those beady eyes. Are you trying to help him, or get rid of him? Barky said he had a bad night already, and that’s that. You were supposed to slag Trump…weren’t you?

  3. LOL! The Deep State really want Dementia Joe gone. Why else would they let him back on tv to pile on he’s quickly spiraling into cognitive decline. The debate was bad, but this interview is worse. It’s great the left is sabotaging themselves.

    The plan to replace him with KamalMao, who Demwit voters
    don’t like guarantees President Trump’s re-election, which is excellent.

  4. @dee
    I’m sure you already know..
    Liberals have only ONE direction and it doesn’t include ANYTHING that alters from their strict demands.

    These numb-minded, brain-dead, liberal, commie dumbshits honestly believe that they have all the answers.
    They don’t.
    Their mental faculties are severely limited which allows them to incorrectly believe THEY know better.
    They are wrong….They are to be shunned.
    The worse thing we can do is allow the insane to control US.

  5. If you watch the above clip with the closed captions turned on, he does say ‘NASA’ then National Security Council. The closed captioning does not show NASA. Nor will the National Archives.

  6. Dee
    Please listen to what I type carefully. You are not dealing with your average Libtard Moron. This is a dangerous person. Start avoiding him immediately. Post election these people are going to turn violent. I’m serious has a heart attack.

  7. Remember when elections at least pretended to be legitimate? Back when there were laws, and despicable partisan media behavior was not allowed?
    Like when they covered one candidate during election season, they also had to give the opponent EQUAL TIME?

  8. “… he ALSO lied 28 times …”
    Implying that the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey lied 28 times.

    Retarded Pedophile Usurper – catalog each and every one of those “lies.”

    Yeah … that’s what I thought.
    Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. thanks guys

    how to avoid family members?

    I am skipping one reunion later on this summer but they don’t know it yet, too nasty

    Just thinking this is why not too many signs and flags up
    there will be more votes than they expect LOL

  10. Now he’s gotta have another interview to explain why he choked on this interview!

    It may have had something to do with PTSD flashbacks of Trump yelling at him throughout the debate. That ill-mannered cur with the morals of an alley cat!

  11. I figured Little Georgie would toss him softballs. He didn’t. I told my wife being a Clinton butt boy they probably told him to do this because they intend to push to make Hillary! the candidate. She’s been seething since she didn’t win in 2016. Everybody knows how the Clinton’s handle problem people.

  12. Riddle me this: Why would the rank and file Democrat voter trust the very people who had a part in picking this corpse to be the presumptive nominee have any part whatsoever in choosing his replacement?

    One would think that demanding that they have no influence whatsoever going forward would be a reasonable demand


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