So Excited to be Baptized! – IOTW Report

So Excited to be Baptized!

h/t Little Sis

WATCH the video HERE

17 Comments on So Excited to be Baptized!

  1. WTF is with all these damned ads? I have to scroll through a full page of crap before I can get to the comments, and today, there is an ad that has been blocking from 4 to 6 lines of every article. I mean, W the actual F?!?!?!?!

  2. For you Catholics and Methodists, etc., this is what baptism is, I.e. total immersion under water based upon the person being baptized doing do willingly based upon his or her personal faith.

    Sprinkling a few drops of water on a baby’s head is NOT baptism.

  3. We had our annual baptism service Sunday. Sixteen people of all ages, including a young woman with Down’s Syndrome. Much rejoicing and crying all around; the testimonies were quite touching. Praise Jesus, indeed!


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