So far, Hillary’s camp has been blaming everything but themselves for the election loss – IOTW Report

So far, Hillary’s camp has been blaming everything but themselves for the election loss


The Hill: Sanders campaign manager: Don’t buy David Brock’s blame game for Clinton loss.

The knives are out on the Democratic side after the unexpected victory of Donald Trump. Not surprisingly, the first attacks have been launched by the experts on mudslinging against fellow Democrats: David Brock and those whose lease he holds like Peter Daou. Brock’s long history of character assassination and penchant for attacking those on the left continues.

In his speech at the first major gathering of Democratic lawmakers since the election, Brock expressed his anger at the “disaffected millennials who sat on their hands in the most consequential election of our lives.”

Brock’s narrative that Hillary Clinton’s loss is the fault of the millennial voters who supported the primary campaign of Senator Bernie Sanders is laughable. It’s worth noting that Anna Greenberg, an informed political professional who followed Brock as a speaker at the State Innovation Exchange conference, was quick to distance herself from his baseless “analysis.”

But the Brockian delusion is dangerous because it gives the corporatist elements of the Democratic Party an excuse to avoid the hard questions that need to be asked in light of Trump’s win.  more here

20 Comments on So far, Hillary’s camp has been blaming everything but themselves for the election loss

  1. Very true. The only way I got a very saddened liberal aquainyancebto stop blaming ME for Trump was to say, ‘It wasn’t my fault that the democrats picked a horrid candidate. Had you chosen Biden, you probably would have won.’ He took a bit over a month before he would even say hi, again.

  2. They expected her to win the same way obama won. obama won because the uni-party decided that’s who would be president, and the rinos running on the republican ticket were complicit. The republican who won the primary – the first go ’round, McCain – never even tried to win – it was obvious he didn’t want to win, and the same thing with Romney – with the paid off, agenda driven media purposely savaging the republican nominee, while making the dem nominee look like he could do no wrong. They planned to do the same thing this time, by saddling us with Jeb, because they KNEW we all hated him and would not show up to vote for him. But then Trump spiked their wheels when he jumped in, but the uni-party still thought they had it all sewed up because the media did their thing same as before – only this time we were wise to the whole thing. So obama won both times by cheating. They all think we are SOOOO stupid, they still can’t figure out why their little plan didn’t work again. Thank God for the internet and alternate news, which is why they now want to shut us down – because they don’t want an informed electorate.

  3. America woke up.
    For how long – nobody knows.
    Put the “blame” where it belongs – on an awakened electorate.

    We saw through the fetid miasma of propaganda and made a choice, for the first time in decades, for someone who claims to represent US – the People of the United States.

    But the virus of dissimulation continues with an even greater intensity (if that’s possible) from the alphabet propaganda outlets and twitter and facebook. It ain’t over till it’s over.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The Dem party is just one big, constantly running, fundraising machine. All they have is character assassination, they can’t argue ideas. And they certainly have no interest in aligning with policies that will help working class Americans. You can’t be the party of the hard left environmental loons and offer anything to any American worker, particularly in the rust belt. Unless they are willing to accept their policies have been rejected they aren’t going to be able to shift gears. They don’t want to anyway. They want to gain power by whatever manner necessary and implement their agenda – to hell with everyone else. They are not going to change. Trump needs to keep his campaign promises – build the wall, repeal Obamacare, lower taxes, reduce regulation and get the economy going again to ensure they stay a marginalized group for the next 8 years.

  5. “November’s result highlights the central challenge that the Democratic Party faces — building a party that successfully props up a facade pretending that it represents the interests and aspirations of middle and working class Americans of all races.”


  6. If Joe Biden runs in 2020 – someone should put together a video collage of him trying to feel up any child who has the misfortune of being near him at the time and run it 24/7.

    Also, I think Trump is going to try and make sure they can’t rig elections for the foreseeable future. Will be interesting to see what his plans are for that. A good start would be investigating and prosecuting the lawlessness in the last administration so people know they can’t count on getting away with it to ride off into the sunset with their ill gotten gains.

  7. She’s right.
    It’s not Hilary, it’s Us.
    We just don’t like lying conniving dishonest condescending bitches that lust for power so bad they will sell their own countrymen down the river for advantage.
    We’re sorry (not).

  8. I think a while back George Looney was blabbering about running for President. So was Kanye, but I think his recent stint in the psyche ward may have put the kabosh on that.

  9. but.. but.. but..

    Look over there.
    Filling positions with those
    deplorable Military types.
    They aren’t Civilians.
    Their only Citizens.
    We have Nobel Prize winners.
    We have Professors.
    We have all the answers
    provided in a script.
    What’s wrong with ‘You People’!

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