So Happy For the Brits That There Are No Guns in the UK – IOTW Report

So Happy For the Brits That There Are No Guns in the UK

I do believe those are machetes we are looking at.


19 Comments on So Happy For the Brits That There Are No Guns in the UK

  1. I’ve read that in the 19th century when Britain was at war in Nepal the British soldiers feared getting a limb lopped off by a kukuri wielding Gurkha than being shot. Big knives swung by killers are terrifying.

    Can’t say they weren’t warned by the buckets of blood speech delivered decades ago about the danger of letting heathens into their country. And we have our own idiots wanting the same thing to happen here.

  2. Gurkha war story, truth or fiction?

    Late on in the Second World War, as the Allies were fighting their way across northern Europe, a battalion of Gurkhas was asked to provide some volunteers for a mission behind enemy lines.

    The unit was paraded, and a staff officer explained the mission: “It is absolutely vital that you need to go in and secure the position. We only expect light resistance from the Germans. You’ll be dropped from an aircraft at 1200 feet.”

    The Gurkhas’ own commanding officer then asked for volunteers to take one step forward. About half of the men stepped forward.

    The British officer was surprised. “I thought the Gurkhas were supposed to be the bravest men of all,” he said to the Gurkha c/o. “And it’s not as though we expect this to be a particularly dangerous job.”

    “True,” said the Gurkha officer. “But half of them have just volunteered to jump from 1200 feet. Perhaps you should tell them they’ll have parachutes.”

  3. These cockroaches (apologies to actual roaches) are tough in a mob…. Let’s see how they play with armed citizens…. There is a clue here, seemingly nothing more important than water for survival… second only to a loaded weapon. These muslim scum exist within our borders and are awaiting the day that the average citizen is unarmed.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. @ Blink. That was Enoch Powell’s “Rivers of Blood” speech back in 1968. He spoke of the danger of uncontrolled immigration to the island. The Brits didn’t listen and called him a racist. I don’t think “xenophobe” was invented back then. But no matter, the Brits are in deep trouble.
    Today the lefties are attacking Tommy Robinson. As Yogi Berra said, De Javu (?) all over again.

  5. UK leaders are o.k. with this so long as guns remain illegal – after all, they have armed security. Before the invention of reliable firearms, the nobles relied on their weapons – sword and spear – to protect their status. Sure, a peasant could probably obtain a sword if he wanted and they certainly owned knives and sharp farm implements, but these weapons were not effective unless the user was trained to use them.

    The gun is the big equalizer. An untrained man is dangerous with a gun, and a man trained to use a firearm is frightening to the elite. But whereas bladed weapons required years of training and physical fitness in order for the user to become proficient, virtually anyone can become proficient in using a gun in a short amount of time.

    It’s important to the left that the masses not be able to revolt or protect themselves. As a result, outlawing guns to the public is perhaps the highest priority even in the face of bladed attacks like this one.

  6. So arming bobbies with purses, umbrellas, and lessons on stern warnings isn’t working? If the Brits had any brains or balls every damned worthless piece of shit muslim would be deported, along with those who tolerate muslims. As I’ve said a thousand times, every nation that turns its back on God is filled up with muslims.

  7. Gurkha jumping is foolishness;
    especially when compared to the real stories from WW2 as told by witnesses. Waking up in a Barracks to find every other head severed and on its bedpost, or having these men fall out of trees onto the enemy as they passed by gave the little rice eaters quite a reputation.

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