So, Have You Seen Hamilton? – IOTW Report

So, Have You Seen Hamilton?

Seriously, this is probably the very last thing I would want to do on any given night. This, for me, is pure crap. It’s like watching The Electric Company, a show that banged out crap songs in a hurry in order to teach kids to “cross at the green-not in between,” only now we’re going to hear “hip-hop history.”

This is hokier than Potsie Weber’s “Pump Song.”

The Hamilton songs sound like the mediocrity that was loaded onto the Baldwin Fun Machines so that you could “jam” on your keyboard, only we have a guy, with questionable cadence, singing a little off key.


I’d rather listen to Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds.

They May Be Giants had the good sense to limit their “history rock” to one kitschy track- James K. Polk.


40 Comments on So, Have You Seen Hamilton?

  1. Hamilton, Joe frank and Reynolds.? Something just shot out of my left nostril. Dude. You’re old. I had completely forgotten that one hit wonder band.
    That there was funny.

    I’d rather watch Hamilton Beach mixing up a chocolate cake.

    That show looks to be stupid on stilts.

  2. So, Have You Seen Hamilton?

    No and I don’t intend to. The bucks they want from me to sit through their performance would drive me up the wall. We don’t even have NetFlix, HBO, Showtime, or any paid cable TV. $600 for a Hamilton ticket? That’s a lot of wine and dinners I could be enjoying. I don’t give money to liberals.

  3. Suspension of judgement on talent due to the color of the cast and the ridiculous premise is artistic racism and awakens one’s yearning for a return to craft for sake of good craftsmanship.
    The Premise is awful
    The delivery is reminiscent of rural high school thespian zeal.
    The hubris present in every second of this nag being taken seriously is a fevered appeal to God himself for lightning bolts thrown from on high.

  4. 1. I thought Prince was dead.
    2. My apology to Prince, because he didn’t deserve that.
    3. I thought there were supposed to black people on that stage? Why are only the light skinned blacks getting work on broad (misogynists1!!)way?
    4. They couldn’t find a black person out of any church choir that could actually sing?
    5. Stage and film requires no talent now. Good to know.

  5. No thanks. I’ll take the reenacters at St. John’s church in Richmond reenacting the debate in which Patrick Henry says give me liberty or give me death. That’s actually fantastic all of the actors are very professional and it’s true history.

  6. Oh Noes. My eyes,
    I need Bleach, lots of,lots of bleach.
    Not the stuff that gets the shit stains out of your fat ass wife’s thong. But the bleach that gets the stain out a SNOWFLAKE. ( SUCK IT UP BUTTER CUP) STRAWS FOR EVERYBODY.
    I went to Starbucks today and got a handful of straws. Gonna have a wonderful day tomorrow giving them away, Looking for snowflakes.


  7. Potsie Weber and The Electric Company. I suspect we grew up in the same era. I always thought The Electric Company was terrible. I’d rather watch Canon or The Rockford Files with my dad.

  8. I hate to admit that a year or more ago I made a post on iOTW about Hamilton. My perspective was that it would get people excited about American History -since the musical made the founders cool and hip and entertaining. It’s coming to Seattle in2 years. I was looking forward to it. Now. No.

    Years ago I went to see the musical ‘Oklahoma’ at The 5th Ave in Seattle. In the middle of a sing they changed the lyrics and bashed George WB Bush. I share season tickets with a friend and we were both shocked. In all the years we have gone to shows never ever has that happened. Everything is political now and there is no escape. Thanks Libtards.

  9. Not me. It would take a very nice looking lady to talk me into going to something like that. Yes, I am a sucker for a good looking woman and have been dragged to some very strange places by some of them.

    But what if “somebody” got up from the audience and went up on the stage and clobbered the shit out of all those libtards?
    Staying out of jail is a good enough reason not to attend libtard-controlled events.

  10. i have been relatively silent, but being related to hamilton thru my mom (daughter of the american revolution), i have been offended that we have gone so far off the pc track that the progressives came up with this bullshit play

    i guess it would have been racist to portray reality

    alex shot high on purpose btw

  11. I think it’s crap but then again, I enjoy Mozart and beautiful operas. This is just some shit that Moo Boo cabal have propped up as wonderful and oh so clever. $850 per ticket is a bit much for this. Some lib idiot tweeted me that we can learn something from this and my response was that if she needed to learn about history, she might pick up a history book and read it for free from the library.

  12. First off, I regard Hamilton as the primary villain during the creation of the U.S. He and his cabal staged a successful counterrevolution and set the stage for the Big Govt we have now. Second, an all black cast is just stupid. In collectivist terms, it is juvenile “cultural appropriation” up the oiseau. Third, I think of sledge hammers and violence when I hear rap (anti-)music.

    But I might overlook all of that if only I knew for sure I could watch a nice scene where Burr kills Hamilton. That might make it OK. Just kidding.

  13. Sounds like the Royal Nonesuch from Huckleberry Finn with the King and the Duke duping the townspeople.
    “The play turns out to be just the King prancing naked onstage for a few minutes, but it sells out all three nights; no one in the town wants to look like an idiot, so they keep the reality quiet. On the third night, they all bring rotten fruit and eggs to throw, however, the king and the duke have been scamming a long time, so they flee town before that happens”
    The King and Duke eventually get tared and feathered…. so one can only hope.

  14. Well.. it is more watchable than the Towson Debate Team. Just.

    I’ve enjoyed some musicals (theatrical & cinema). This is not that.

    Which is to say I wouldn’t go if it were free. Under duress, maybe.

  15. Musicals should be about music, musicians, their life and works. Performed as a presentation of the music. Not using music to gay-up history.
    Hamilton is the founding father to blame for us being $20T in debt.

  16. Believe it or not, I remember Hamilton, Joe Frank and Reynolds.
    And the Aztec Two-Step.
    And England Dan and John Ford Coley.
    And Ultimate Spinach.
    And Jam Factory.
    And Ellery Queen.

    Geesh … I’m old …

    izlamo delenda est …

  17. Oh, yeah, and Mad River.
    And The Crazy World of Arthur Brown.
    And Edison Lighthouse.
    And Crow.
    And Jan and Dean.

    I think I remember … maybe I just dreamed all that shit …

    izlamo delenda est …

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