So, Kirsten Powers has heard about Nick Sandmann’s Lawsuits, eh? – IOTW Report

So, Kirsten Powers has heard about Nick Sandmann’s Lawsuits, eh?

Out of nowhere, Kirsten Powers has written an op-ed where she laments about her past behavior on social media.

I recently took a hiatus from social media to reflect on what role I might be playing in our increasingly toxic public square. I was not proud of what I found.

During this time, I reflected not just on my behavior on social media, but also in my public expressions both on TV and in my columns. I looked back over the past decade of my work with a clear eye to assess whether I was shedding light on issues or just creating heat. I cringed at many of the things I had written and said.

…I was convinced that I was righteous and “speaking truth” and therefore justified behaving as I did, and that anyone who didn’t like it just “couldn’t handle the truth.” “The truth hurts” was practically my motto.

That includes the Covington teenagers, who I believe behaved disrespectfully, but who don’t deserve to have their entire lives defined by one day. It includes Trump supporters whom I, in an attempt to raise awareness of the issue of white privilege, not too long ago regrettably characterized as uniformly racist for voting for him. Not exactly a conversation starter.


Scared Kirsten?

You should be. I hope you end up in financially ruined tatters.

ht/ trs



30 Comments on So, Kirsten Powers has heard about Nick Sandmann’s Lawsuits, eh?

  1. Um, yea. That’s not an apology. Just more solipsism.

    How can global warming be proven when scientists haven’t based their calculations on the Earth revolving around her belly button?

  2. I follow Kirsten on Twitter and constantly send her the same message. Hey babe, you want a big stiffy?. Oh shit no that’s not the message.

    She use to be a pain in the ass on FOX. Found God and started moving to far right. FOX fired her. Not cool when the Lib agrees with the conservative on the battle royal. Now she works for fake news Inc. I don’t think she believes a damn thing she types. But everyone needs a pay check. She hasn’t blocked me yet. I’m thinking she might secretly want me. LOL.

  3. Fake apology. “I still believe they acted disrespectfully”. “an attempt to raise awareness of the issue of white privilege” Carefully worded to dodge a law suit, but still make her left wing talking points.

  4. I give up trying to reason with a White woman who thinks I’m “uniformly racist” because I voted for a White man over the White woman for Pres. Hey Kirsten, was it racist for Black women to vote for B. Obama over Hilary Clinton in 2008 primaries, or were those Black women “betraying their gender” instead? Shit, this identity politics crap never ends, does it?

  5. Brad, yes indeed, my white stiffy identifies as a black stiffy…
    Who am I to tell it that it’s not? 🙂

    Either way, both of ours would fit comfortably in her mouth.

    I do love that pic, with her head cocked to the side.
    Such a condescending feckless cunt.

  6. WTF? “That includes the Covington teenagers, who I believe behaved disrespectfully….” How??? How did they behave disrespectfully? I think she is trying to have it both ways here and it irks me to no freaking end.

  7. “I still believe they acted disrespectfully” is how my lefty friends continue to defend their OrangeManBad positions on the Covington kids- even though they know the fake media completely got it all wrong.

  8. Kristen Powers, Jedediah Bila, Mary Katharine Ham: all over-rated semi-conservative or once, maybe conservative, women writers. Give me Pamela Geller (even without a 24/7 body guard) and we would enjoy some cool jazz in the city and have some real fun!


    Word association:

    Covington boys + Disrespectful

    Trump + White Privilege / Racism

    It’s an attack masquerading as an apology. She is still doing it.

  10. Can’t stand this blint and I hope they sue the nickers off her. Still pushing the White Privilege lie even when she offers a halfa$$ed apology. Guess she was morally right even if she was factually incorrect. She’s almost as annoying as Valley Girl Jessica Tarlov.
    Every time I see Kirsten all I can think of is this chick used to screw Anthony The Scumbag Weiner. Vomit vomit.
    There isn’t enough Lysol in the World to clean that stench off of her. Plus she’s a Hillary supporter so there’s that too.

  11. I recall her on O’Reilly’s Fox show. Always appeared to me to be a garden variety leftist talking head, so regrets what she said back then? Her mea-culpa doesn’t seem honest and direct as Lara Logan’s. The good news I guess is that one by one though reasons may vary, these leftist media types are coming around.

  12. According to that sluts standards, the Covington boys behaved badly! How does minding one’s own business and doing nothing wrong equate to behaving badly? Oh, that’s right she is an idiot and idiots don’t have standards of decency!

  13. The lawsuit needs to expand to cover Tweets from Washington Post reporters and their commenters of their stories.

    They pick and choose when they allow comments at all. If it is to gin up hate against the desired enemy, they do not even pretend to delete or police libel or defamatory statements.

    Shorter: I want to see the IP addresses because I can guaran-goddamn-tee you that if this lawsuit expands to The Hill Politico, etc. that we will uncover highly coordinated paid troll farms leading back to Democrat 501c3s .

  14. The bitch is either constipated waiting for the other shoe to drop on her. Or she has diarrhea for the the same reason. Diarrhea of the mouth got her in the shit and now she is trying to figure out how to dig herself out without apologizing to the kid and paying him a lot of money. Alysa Milano is in a deeper pile than powers and she should be shitting bricks as well.

  15. Kirsten has obviously studied from the St. Rodney King- patron saint of the State Church of the Sacred Heart of No Redeemer ——which grants condescending moral superiority to the ABUSER through , “can’t we all just get along??”

  16. How, exactly did the boys act disrespectfully? Do you say that because they did not expose their necks or throat to the sword?
    I hope the lawsuits breaks these people. I really do.


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