So much for half a million – IOTW Report

So much for half a million

[…] But don’t worry. I am almost certain that in that same five week period, half a million new NRA members were born.


Patriot Retort: Uh-oh spaghettio!

The much-vaunted “March for Our Lives” – we were told by those paragons of truth in the media – would be half a million strong when it turned up in DC yesterday.

Why, there would be more people at this than at Trump’s inauguration, they snottily proclaimed.

And where was that half a million?

Well, not in DC.

They couldn’t even cobble together a quarter of a million people.

But given what slobs they were, it’s probably good half a million didn’t turn up.

According to CBS News, the DC march barely made it over 200 thousand.

But I’m not surprised. Are you?

I keep telling you that the Left pushes too hard and too far.

The Parkland shooting was nearly six weeks ago. And in that time, they shoved those Parkland kids in our faces day after day after miserable day.

They gave them interviews on cable news, magazine covers, guest appearances on Ellen and Bill Maher.

In other words, they oversaturated the market.  MORE

22 Comments on So much for half a million

  1. The attendees don’t know the Constitution, laws or what an assault weapon is, but it “was” a paid spring vacation to Washington DC. Thanks Mr. Soros.

    I think Nancy Pelosi referred to these types of gatherings as “Astro Turf” events.

  2. @Bad_Brad March 25, 2018 at 6:13 pm

    > Honestly I don’t even know what to say about this

    What did you think all those oaths about “following orders” were? What kind of people will even tell that kind of lie?

    “Don’t worry. Just leave your bags in the station. We’ll forward them to the camps. I swear.”

  3. Hussein the Muslim is in Japan telling people that he wants to create a millions barrack obama. I call that fuc shit brown shirt.. is coming a civil war. Because this mother fuc Hussein wants the USA to be like Kenya. I’m ready to fight this people and this mother fuc Hussein. I hope that one person from Russia just used the umbrella 🌂 .

  4. Don’t downplay the numbers. They never stop kicking and screaming. This is what they did with the gays, & the trannys. They never stop until they get their way. Put the lid on this now or your gun rights are gone.

  5. I read in an insurance pamphlet that 7 teens are killed a day in car accidents because they’re texting and driving.
    I think we should bully these little brats and ban them from driving a car or using a cell phone until they’re 21.

    It is all about protecting their lives, right?

  6. @ Bad Brad, I think if I lived in that county and the people were stupid enough to elect that old Commie, I’d either be moving or preparing for war.

  7. Old Racist White Woman
    I guess I’m still a little shocked that he was that blunt about his agenda. i guess I shouldn’t be. He wont be the only emboldened Libtard NWO Nazi to say shit like this. My hope his he gets elected and tries to confiscate guns from the local Militia. LEO, including SWAT, are easily set up. I hope it happens. Any LEO that took the oath, won’t show up.

  8. Bad Brad, nothing shocks me anymore and it wouldn’t even shock me if he wins. People are stupid. Here we have adults saying we should let snot nosed kids dictate how the country is ran, we have teachers pushing kids to leave school and protest, then one state teachers go on strike and it starts spreading to other states a bunch of whine bag teachers demanding taxpayers pay for their raises when their damn contracts are still active.

    On the other side of that coin is idiot politicians and people begging to give into the demands of all the spoiled idiots, kids and teachers alike.

    I don’t have much faith in people anymore.

    Look at this video of this principal refusing to answer questions and saying they can’t keep 12 year olds from leaving. The father pisses me off as well, because how the hell could you not see before the now the crap you have your child enrolled in?

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