So Much For the Huge Case Against Trump That NeverTrump Morons Always Cited As a Reason Not To Vote For Him – IOTW Report

So Much For the Huge Case Against Trump That NeverTrump Morons Always Cited As a Reason Not To Vote For Him

Go to any shitstain NeverTrump site and peruse the comment section (I do it for comedic reasons) and you will see principled voters so principled that they can actively root for the most corrupt presidential candidate to ever run — Hillary Rodham Clinton.

When someone tries to reason with them, saying that Bill Clinton is a serial sexual abuser and Hillary was his fixer, invariably someone will mention that DONALD TRUMP RAPED A 13 YEAR-OLD!!!

The proof?

“He has a COURT CASE PENDING you idiot!!!”

In “I Am Principled-Land,” due process means nuthin’.



EXCLUSIVE: Trump’s 13-year-old ‘rape victim’ dramatically DROPS her case. Woman withdraws legal claim she was assaulted at Jeffrey Epstein sex party

Trump rape accuser drops her case

“Katie’s” story reads like a bad Lifetime script, complete with meeting a woman at a NYC bus station, after she took a Greyhound from Oklahoma to pursue a modeling career, that said she would introduce her to some people that could help with her modeling career.

That night Trump raped the 13 year-old.

That wasn’t Katie. That was Shannen Doherty, and the rapist was Jason Priestly. I saw that movie too.


But she also said that in 1994 she had no idea who her attacker was and that it was only when she watched The Apprentice that she came to believe it was Trump, claiming that she could not forget her attacker’s face. learned she has two DUIs and a felony drug possession on her record and a history of drug abuse.

Read more:

15 Comments on So Much For the Huge Case Against Trump That NeverTrump Morons Always Cited As a Reason Not To Vote For Him

  1. Where’s Chris Wallace now wondering if Hillary (and Odumbo) are ready to accept the results of the election?
    He was better than the other moderators, but he’s a jerk too!

  2. Disgusting shitpickles like her are why a lot of real victims of celebrity rape are not commonly believed. Fame hungry liar. What kind of a creature lies about child rape? I HOPE THAT THEY THROW THE BOOK AT HER.

  3. NT *sniff*

    Yup smells like shit. No time for idiots. And cruz? Don’t even wanna see his face. Maybe I’ll get over it by 2024 but I don’t think so. What a turd in the punchbowl.


  4. What is their BS line, when they go low we go high. Like this? Fake lawsuits and claims and allegations the woman Gloria Allred was defending was paid $500k. Very classy. Only their lame brain voter base would buy this crap.

  5. ANOTHER BAD DRAG QUEEN from the Left/Hillary Camp of Homos. My word that is one ugly man dressed in fem clothing. I think Trump made the correct decision to refuse the MSM and their “reporters” into his White House Press Room. Let them dry up and blow away.

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