So Much Stupid on Social Media – IOTW Report

So Much Stupid on Social Media

Here’s a video from a hot dog stand in Chicago. A guy gets into an argument with a woman and punches her. The 14 year-old son shoots the puncher.

A few things:

I am sick and tired of reading comments that say “you NEVER hit a woman.”

Really? NEVER?

You can’t think of ANY reason to hit a woman? What if the woman is bigger than you and beating the snot out of you. You just let yourself be pummeled? Well, aren’t you just so special.

Secondly, spouting off without knowing the full story is pretty dangerous on social media where what you say helps shapes the court of public opinion.

Here is the shooting:

The poster asks, villain or hero?

Most are saying HERO! Then they hear the full story, and in typical social media fashion they dig in their heels despite knowing the full story.

The mother texted the son in the car and told him to come in and shoot the man that was arguing with her. He just so happens to hit her. He was going to be shot BEFORE he hit her.

After he was shot in the back, he ran out into the parking lot. The kid chased after him and shot and killed him. Then the mother said for the kid to shoot the guy’s girlfriend in the car. He wouldn’t, the mother tried to take the gun from her son to shoot the innocent girl in the car. He pushed his mother away. (Hmmm, is it okay to push your mother?)

No heroes here, especially the people who say “you NEVER hit a woman,” while cheering on the kid who shot the guy who punched the mom (which is okay by me) but then chased him down when running away – which is not self-defense any longer.

Some will not admit they didn’t know the full story and stick to their original opinion, because…well, it’s social media. You have to protect your opinion at all costs. The rarest thing on social media is for someone to say “I was wrong.”

17 Comments on So Much Stupid on Social Media

  1. Well, it’s Chicago after all, where typically hoodrat mothers groom their teenage sons to become cold-blooded murderers.

    Whatever that monster did, pretty sure she deserves to be slapped and knocked out by that guy. He might have been complicit in wrong doing, but being chased down and killed is completely criminal. Chivalry wouldn’t apply in this case.

    Chivalry is reserved for ladies and gentlemen who respect and demonstrate civil behavior in society. Doesn’t apply to hoodrat psychotics.

    As for socialist media, spreading lies, hearsay. rumors and slander is a standard operating procedure.

  2. Or, maybe it’s because some people cannot differentiate a Lady from female trash in a group of “Women”.

    Heck! There are even people today in highly-paid political (predominately Democrat) positions who absolutely cannot define a “Woman” even if their life depended on it!

  3. Never did hit or harm a woman but I have regrets of my first wife.
    She divorced me, I did not divorce her.
    She stole every thing I had worked for over 10 years.
    She took the house, the car and the neighbor.


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