So Stupid: “Cancellers” Going After Ashton Kutcher For a Remark He Made About 15 Year-Old – IOTW Report

So Stupid: “Cancellers” Going After Ashton Kutcher For a Remark He Made About 15 Year-Old

Sure, sure. We are going to get comments that say “why do I care about Hollywood?” Or, “why should I care about this?”

You should care because these ideas come from the left. They indoctrinate our kids and send them out into the world to become professional scolds who seek to keep people ashamed and quiet while they shape the culture in their vision.

If there is one comment I hate most it’s the “why should I care………” comment.

It’s the text equivalent of vocal fry where someone wants to impart that they are too above the topic through irritating cues.

The Breitbart Doctrine is the idea that “politics is downstream from culture” and that to change politics one must first change culture.

Now, the story –

Ashton Kutcher said decades ago, when Hillary Duff was 15, she is the “kind of a girl everyone is waiting to turn 18.”

For that remark they want his scalp. I don’t particularly care about Ashton Kutcher. I care about some poor schlub who happens to make a similar remark and gets his life ruined because it already happened to Ashton Kutcher.


22 Comments on So Stupid: “Cancellers” Going After Ashton Kutcher For a Remark He Made About 15 Year-Old

  1. It is impossible for any participant in modern society to be perfect, mostly because the judgment criteria are irrational, whimsical, and subject to instant change. To have any chance of achieving perfection one needs to be omniscient.

    To put the shit icing on the shit cake, ANY failure to be prefect at ANY time on ANY matter can subject ANYONE to life-ruining attacks.

    I there were a way to turn this horrendous damage-inflicting social phenomenon back at its practitioners, but that would be tarring myself with the same brush.

  2. “kind of a girl everyone is waiting to turn 18.”

    That’s a compliment – no matter how you cut it. And waiting until she’s 18 makes the comment totally different from a pedophile perspective.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “If there is one comment I hate most it’s the “why should I care………” comment.”

    If politics is indeed downstream from culture then how normal people change the culture is by saying, “I don’t care” to stupidity.

    Our current society lives by the aphorism,”Whoever is offended first, wins”. How normal people push back is by demonstrating ,”Sorry, that is just dopey, and anyone that plays that game is a stone-cold loser”.

    Since the dawn of time, there have always been types of people, those that risk something and achieve, and those too cowardly to put themselves out there so they criticize the first group. The internet has not changed this dynamic one bit.

  4. They are trying to crush him because of a plea for leniency for Masterson. The other reason is because he runs a foundation that tries to save kids from human trafficking. This was the perfect opportunity to go after him.
    It’s funny how the media freaks out and tries to burn anybody that is fighting human trafficking.

  5. The “why should I care” comment should be said directly to those who are feigning outrage, NOT to the people who are bringing you the story.

    We bring attention to what’s happening so you can tell the left that you don’t subscribe to their woke agenda.

  6. @JP
    I agree. I think the crazies are going for another scalp since they got Ashton and his wife Mila Kunis to apologize for writing letters to the judge on behalf of Danny Masterson. After 3 tries they finally convicted Masterson. 🤔 “That 70’s Show” cast practically grew up together on the show and hit probably their peak celebrity too. Good or bad, it makes sense to me that they would try to defend their friend because of that connection.

  7. I think Mike Lindell just gave a perfect example on how to deal with the “Cancellers”. Right back in their face. The reality is there’s not that much difference from the people he’s sparing with and the idiots going after Kutcher.

  8. As JP said, he wrote a character letter for Masterson, and everyone is piling on him because of this. Masterson is a horrible rapist pig. Kutcher is awful too. If you want to go after him, do so for actual rotten things, not a remark like this.


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