So, the NFL Players Have Their 1st Amendment Rights, eh? – IOTW Report

So, the NFL Players Have Their 1st Amendment Rights, eh?

Rush points out that the players are routinely penalized for actions on the field that the NFL does not condone.

Just to be clear,  they condone disrespecting the flag.

Why would any of you continue to line these bastard’s pockets? Turn the game off.



48 Comments on So, the NFL Players Have Their 1st Amendment Rights, eh?

  1. Done. No more NFL for me. It’s amazing how much I got accomplished this Sunday by not sitting in front of the Tee Vee all day.
    I hope this madness doesn’t extend to NCAA football. It would be a shame if I couldn’t watch the Tide on Saturdays.

  2. I have never been a fan of team sports of any type. High school, college, or Pro. Neither football, baseball, hockey, golf, basketball, NASCAR, etc… Too may other interests that take up my time. ESPECIALLY the previous eight year administration.

  3. 2 football games on TV: Bears in 1986 and Bears in 2006. In person 1 football game, Soldier Field in 2000 to watch the Packers beat the Bears.

    That’s how much professional football I’ve seen my entire life. No desire to see any more.

  4. The Cowboys, the fookin COWBOYS!
    Professional sports is dead to me.
    I got into football working in a warren of cubicles for a couple of months.
    I love Football, the Cowboys taking a knee is the worst.
    The Cowboys are no longer America’s team
    They might as well wear ISIS outfits and wave their black flag because the Cowboys are dead to me.
    FU NFL

  5. I figured Rush would address this whole NFL/National Anthem business yesterday. But I wasn’t expecting that he’d dedicate all 3 hours to it.

    He is as pissed off as the rest of us.

  6. The NFL ownership are either Traitors or Cowards.
    Can’t decide which.

    They either take their orders from Inter-National Socialism (Deep State) or they’re afraid of the rich, retarded maggots who comprise their teams.

    Either way, as Thomas asserts, their tax-free “charitable” designation should be revoked, and the cities which host them (fat chance) should put special taxes on them to recoup what’s been extorted from them.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. My father who is 86 , a life-long NY Giants fan has turned it off.
    In his own words,”If I wanted to watch a bunch of monkeys throwing their own dung around, I would go to the zoo”.

  8. To progressives,rights belong to the group, not to the individual. If one person expresses his opinion this is divisive because it does not reflect a consensus. Only opinions which everyone agrees with may be expressed.

  9. A lifelong New England sports fan who loved growing up watching the games with my dad. When I moved away I got the NFL Ticket so we could still chat every Sunday about the game. I agree they jumped the shark. The NFL has made it harder and harder to watch the sport anyways and the commentators are so annoying, This over reaction was the last straw, and reading the anti football liberals comments about Turing the game on to damn Trump. I also got a lot more done with out the game on in the background and saved $100 cancelling the Ticket. Think I’ll get a new pair of leather boots for the fall.

  10. I am so sick of hearing the “first amendment” argument. Yes, we have free speech in America. That does not extend to the workplace, and that has been shot down time and time again in the supreme court. I work in an office. If tomorrow I decided to display a sign that says I hate my company, I would be fired – period. I could cry freedom of speech till my last breath, and I would still be fired. These overgrown children work for the NFL (as part of the team). The NFL has every right to fire anyone who displays actions that are counter productive to the company.
    Another point, one that my three grandchildren, ages 10, 8, 1nd 7 understood last night as I explained it to them, is that the freedom to say something doesn’t necessarily mean saying it is a good idea. I absolutely have the right to walk up to the biggest baddest Hell’s Angel biker I see and call him a sissy. That probably wouldn’t be a good idea though. Having a right and using that right are two different things.
    By the way, I’m done with the NFL. I’d much rather watch drag racing or bull riding.

  11. Our local news interviewed some of the illiterates from our team last night.

    The first one recited a script about “moving past it” and referring to a statement from the front office in a manner usually reserved for hostage videos.

    The second, all-pro TE Delanie Walker said, and I’m paraphrasing, “if anyone chooses not to come to our games over our protests – good.”

    Duly noted you looking like a graffiti tagged wall with all your tattoos looking motherfucker.

    The thugs are running the cell block.

  12. The police-killing BLACK LIVES MATTER racists in the NFL want to ruin the sport.

    This is just black people pressuring each other to exhibit racial unity in the face of their mostly white patriotic audience. –stupid move….

  13. Boycotted NFL for my entire life. Now I’m working my way down the list of NFL sponsors. First up: McDonald’s…

    “Through its sponsorship of the NFL, McDonald’s is inviting fans to get in the game through a unique promotion featuring three of the NFL’s boldest play makers – Joe Flacco, Colin Kaepernick and Victor Cruz. The football stars will be featured in the Mighty Wings marketing campaign including TV, merchandising, packaging and digital/social media.”

    Yes, this is old, but the fundamentals haven’t changed. Remember, Obama press flack Robert Gibbs was hired by McD’s, and he promised to make them more progressive.

    Chik Fil A, baby. And never on football Sundays.

  14. I am not with Rush on this one. I think the NFL audience are some of the most patriotic, America loving Patriots we have. I think a few idiots on the left hate this institution because of its deep traditions, family ties and all out male testosterone on display. The empty wagon’s rattle the most, you can here them coming from miles away, but when they arrive they have nothing. You can here them for miles as they fade off into the sunset. This will blow over and it’s just another attack on an all American sport and its heritage by the anti-American left.

  15. The first amendment argument isn’t an argument because NOBODY disagrees with it.

    Remember when there was a difference between what one COULD do and what one OUGHT to? Yeah, me neither.

  16. Rush’s point was not calling for a boycott. It was one of sadness that everything has been corrupted by the left. He didn’t watch on Sunday because his heart wasn’t in it. That describes my feeling about it too.
    I didn’t watch, not so much to teach these idiots a lesson.
    I just no longer care about it.

  17. So does the rise of the Kneepernicks mean that the National Anthem will no longer get butchered anywhere by has-beens, divas, has-been divas, pet illegals and Roseanne Barr? One can only hope.

  18. I lost interest in the NFL, NBA and MLB years ago with the strikes, lockouts, thuggery and other assorted crap. I’ve payed scant attention to news and results since then, but not anymore. If these leagues folded tomorrow and the worthless denizens were forced to take “REAL” jobs, I’d be delighted. Screw all of them!

  19. …”So does the rise of the Kneepernicks mean that the National Anthem will no longer get butchered anywhere by has-beens, divas, has-been divas, pet illegals and Roseanne Barr? One can only hope.”…

    Nailed it big time, the Faux “patriotism” of national sports just breaks my ass. They’re a handful of Prima Donnas hosing the American people out of millions of dollars under the guise of patriotism. Don’t try to wrap the money machine that is professional sports in a patriotic flag, it won’t fly. Just quit whoring out the National Anthem to these assholes.

  20. Self promoting, low intelligence, brain damaged, unpatriotic, cry baby, weeping open sores are heroes?
    From John Andrews – 1871 to Edward Byers – 2012, these are heroes.
    Pappy Boyington was a hero, John R. McKinney, disclaimer, I knew and respected this humble man, may he rest in peace, was a hero.
    When you kill 38 Japs singlehanded and save your unit, you’re definitely, defiantly, a hero.
    Ball games are for children and fools.

  21. So when we complain about a bunch of overpaid kids playing game — that people pay to see in person or by subscribing to the NFL channel, and subsidize through tax dollars and by patronizing sponsors — figuratively spit in our faces, we are accused of denying them their first amendment rights. But try and have a conservative speaker on a college campus or go see a Presidential candidate speak and then get physically assaulted, we are conspiracy theorists.

  22. Boycotting the NFL & NBA will do nothing. The number of people attending actual games is probably less the a tenth of one percent of the US population.
    That’s how you hit the a-holes in the pocketbook.
    I don’t watch TV sports, but will gladly boycott their sponsors. Start a list of sponsors and let America vote.

  23. Visa, Ford, GMC, Toyota, Nike, Anheuser-Busch InBev, MillerCoors, Microsoft, Campbell Soup, McDonald’s, PepsiCo, Bridgestone, Verizon, AT&T are among the league’s top-tier partners and almost all have remained silent on what was possibly the most political and polarizing actions of the NFL.

  24. It looks like owners aren’t so smug today. Notice he doesn’t apologize and is still defending though.

    To Steelers Nation:

    I want to reach out to you, the members of Steelers Nation, based on what I believe is a misperception about our players’ intentions in not taking the field for the National Anthem in Chicago. The intentions of Steelers players were to stay out of the business of making political statements by not taking the field. Unfortunately, that was interpreted as a boycott of the anthem – which was never our players’ intention.

    Our players come from many different backgrounds and are united by what it means to play for the Pittsburgh Steelers. They are active in their communities and participate regularly in events designed to give back to those communities. And they appreciate the support they get from Steelers fans around the country and here at home.
    I also know that our players have tremendous respect for the members of our military services, including their teammate Alejandro Villanueva. There was never any desire on the part of our players to show disrespect for our service members.

    Yesterday, I received an email from a Steelers fan who said tell the players to just play football. That is exactly what they wanted to do. They wanted their sole focus to be on playing the game, while also coming together as a unified team.

    The main thing we can do is learn from this and strive to come together remaining unified as a football team. I believe we are capable of accomplishing this with the support of our fans.
    Steelers Nation is made up of the best fans in the National Football League. We appreciate your continued support of our players, coaches and staff.


    Art Rooney, II

  25. “They wanted their sole focus to be on playing the game, while also coming together as a unified team.” a dog, paddling for all it’s worth
    Just how did that turn out:
    Not Too Good!

  26. Dear Mr. Art Rooney II,

    So if I understand your position correctly, The Pittsburgh Steelers organization is against the players and coaches showing respect for our country by not attending the playing of the national anthem?

  27. call your congresscritters … DEMAND they take away the NFL’s tax-break.
    call your state representatives …. DEMAND they do the same at the local level
    … of course, this is predicated on the fact these very same people may lose their free, taxpayer-subsidized luxury box seats …. tough shit … thats’ no what they are supposed to be doing …tell ’em if they don’t act for the people, then we will organize & vote them out …. DO IT!

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