So, this is the way it’s going to be, huh? – IOTW Report

So, this is the way it’s going to be, huh?

Annie emailed me and alerted me that Melania Trump visited a home for abused girls yesterday. I wondered why I hadn’t heard about it on the news.

I searched it. It came up craps. There was a story yesterday on Gateway Pundit about the news blackout.

There was a story, however, on AOL. Something about a Melania visit to a hospital, but it wasn’t this visit. It was from early March. Here is the headline:

Child refuses to hug Melania Trump when she visits hospital

First lady Melania Trump paid a surprise visit to the New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center on Thursday where she read to children.

Her appearance marked “National Read Across America Day,” which is celebrated every year on Dr. Seuss’s birthday.

“Do you know what is today? It’s reading day,” Trump said.


At one point, a child refuses to give Trump a hug, but she still tried to pose for a picture with her.

The first lady moved past the awkward moment by hugging and posing with other children.


Have you ever, once, read in a “mainstream media outlet” any “awkward situation” involving Michelle Obama where it became THE F*CKING HEADLINE, overshadowing whatever it was she was trying to do as FLOTUS?

And who wrote this?

Some cow named Kelsey Weekman, and comments are not available on her posting.

So, I’m going to post her pictures, much like the post office posts pictures. In case you see her out and about you can fart in her general direction, as a comment.



33 Comments on So, this is the way it’s going to be, huh?

  1. It’s been this way since Reagan.
    Republican in the White House negative or no coverage
    Democrat in the White House positive unbelievable coverage including a noble prize.

  2. MO tried to be sub-par at gardening, she was paraded as the queen of it. She promoted reduced food choices at schools, she was honored for making moar ‘smart’ choices for our children. She dressed to impress the gangsta lifestyle, was awarded classy and beautiful. She wears her ass for people to recognize, yet her wonderful tone arms are the subject.

    In a way yea, what The Mooch was trying to accomplish was overshadowed.

  3. A child is drowning. Trump walks out on the lake and saves the child:
    Headline: Trump Can’t Swim.
    Child falls in to Ape pit at Zoo. Trump jumps in, kicks the shit out of the Ape and saves the child.
    Headline: Trump deprives hungry African native of food.
    Trump hold on to Prime Minister May’s hand while walking down a stairs. (Being a gentleman)
    Headline: Trump is afraid of stairs. (Unlike Obama who used to prance down the Air Force One stairs all limp wristed).
    I think the Trump voters are wise to all this bullshit. I, for one,
    will back him up ’till the day I die. MAGA
    As for Melania, she is just a beautiful,cultured, and magnificent Prima Donna. MABA. (Make American Beautiful Again).

  4. Even if she lost all that extra tonnage, she would still be hideous inside.

    Why are so many Democrat women morbidly obese? It’s weird.

    Does being a Democrat make them obese, or did being obese make them a Democrat?

    Maybe they are all just too stupid to take of themselves? This would also explain their politics, I guess.

    It’s quite possible that being stupid made them both obese and Democrats.

    Then we should consider their personalities.

    Did being horrid people make them Democrats, or did becoming Democrats make them horrid people?

    Maybe it doesn’t matter why they are stupid, fat, shrews? Maybe the important thing is that we mock them for it?

  5. The alternative media needs to have access to Melania to break the black out. I want to link to and post stories on Melania, she’s an exceptional first lady because she didn’t really want the job, so she’s not fake. She makes her appearances out of duty to country and for the good that her high profile can bring.

    If anyone in the Trump WH Monitors this site, please make sure someone from the alternative media is part of her press corp and covering her honestly.

  6. Whelp I found her on fb (there’s only one of those there, and she has a LOT of photos). You can find her on twitter, if you have a disposable account, because guaranteed you’ll be banned in no time flat.

    She’s in New Yawk, up from Raleigh NC. I think she’s young and stupid. The arrogance cubes that problem.

  7. So, in the late 70’s as a teen, my parents split
    up for awhile, so us two oldest went with dad and
    lived in a trailer for the majority of the year.
    One night we were in the bar playing pool and the
    lady bartender was all up and about picking up my dad.
    Finally, after ordering his last beer he smiled at her and
    she cozied up on the other side of the bar.
    He says, “you know what I like about a woman with a big
    ass and little tits?”.
    She get’s goofy and smiles.
    He responds with “Not a phucking thing.”

    I miss my dad.

  8. We are in desperate need for an alternate news source. TV news is dead. I played with the Periscope app today while machining very odd looking military parts. I can see where Periscope could really empower some of the independent journalists and Bloggers. We need a tool for the truth.

  9. Cop pulls women over for speeding, as he’s writing out the ticket she batts her eyes and says “I didn’t think you guys gave tickets to attractive women” . The cop say we don’t, sign right here.

  10. It appears Mz. Snacksalot the “reporter” is quite jealous of our beautiful First Lady.
    Of course most liberals would have no criticism for Mooch because they have something in common – cracked mirrors.

  11. She might as well just have that face with the phony smile tattooed with “SJW”. Something about her just reeks ‘liberal’. (I have a gift for seeing right through them).

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