So weak – Scully claims his Twitter account was “hacked” – IOTW Report

So weak – Scully claims his Twitter account was “hacked”

This is a follow-up to this story.


Someone would “hack” Scully’s account and say something as benign as
“should I respond to Trump?”

And wouldn’t Scaramucci say, “wtf are you talking about?” instead of responding back as if they had previously been talking privately?

The fact that he is pulling the “I’ve been hacked” card disqualifies him from just about everything, let alone to be a moderator at a Trump debate.

ht/ hot salsa

17 Comments on So weak – Scully claims his Twitter account was “hacked”

  1. “A huge lack of testosterone”

    Yep. Seems to be a universal problem for white men in the US right now. And not just the liberals, sigh. I’ve seen this with some of the younger, so-called conservative men as well. Some of them act like little bitchez.

    Charlie Kirk may be a nize guy, but he doesn’t exactly ooze toxic masculinity. And don’t get me started on that little stage drama where Kimberly Guilfoyle stepped in front of Junior to “shield” him. Now THERE was a moment.

  2. Just like Anthony Weiner. LOL Some hacker, instead of posting lewd photos or doing something outrageous the hacker sends a message to a cohort who immediately responds seriously to the question posed as if it is a regular communication.

  3. “Not socially acceptable anymore. Believe me. Even by conservatives.”

    Oh, I believe you. I had the most flabbergasting conversation with a “conservative” a while back. He confessed he is terrified of David Brock.

    On a brighter note, yesterday I was out at a junk store that’s very popular around these parts. Two guys walked in who were fairly young, tall, and looked as if they worked in the trades. Some overweight karen gave them a hard time because they were somewhat loud. They just laughed and let loose on her and were still joking about it when another karen said “That’s disrespectful. She’s my sister”.

    One of the guys said “Oh yes? Well, you sound just like her. Congratulations!”

    Glimmers of hope.

  4. Prob the same people behind the DNC hack, John Podesta’s email hack and Joy Reids twitter account hacking LMAO

    In other words…. sounds like a hoax, feels like hoax, quacks like a hoax….

    Remember Occom’s Razor (or Ockham’s Razor)-
    Suppose there exist two explanations for an occurrence. In this case the one that requires the smallest number of assumptions is usually correct. Another way of saying it is that the more assumptions you have to make, the more unlikely an explanation.

  5. This is about as believable as the sailor who returned home after two years fighting in the Pacific in WWII and discovered that his wife had adopted a young child that was left on the doorstep ten months ago. Why not just let Doctor Jill Obiden Bama conduct the crucifixion? Hunter can pass her the nails and the hammer.

  6. Maybe shit will change after the civil war….I mean “Post Election Event”. Before we can hang the commie politicians and media for treason, we should probably euthanize all the stupidfux that put them in power in the first place!

  7. Margot

    If you are on Instagram you should follow iansmithfitness.
    He’s one of the co owner of Atilis Gym in New Jersey. The guys that are driving that Governor over the edge. But he addresses the attack on American Masculinity and he’s right on the money.

  8. Brad, I am somewhat disadvantaged when it comes to social media. But I have heard of this guy and I will check him out. It’s actually an issue with me, this attack on masculinity. Perhaps there’s some way I can get involved. If the situation isn’t handled, there’s going to be terrible problems going forward. I appreciate the tip.

    PS: I blame some of the mothers for this.

  9. “Masculinity should come from dad, moms are not equipped for that job.”

    That’s the problem right there. Moms are not equipped for the job. And yet they take it on, or override the fathers. And believe me, little kids can be masters at playing one parent off against the other. Once mother starts sympathizing with poor little Johnny and how mean everyone is to him and becomes his champion, that is something that carries forward with the guy for the rest of his life.

    Note to the ladies: If you are unfortunate enough to hook up with a guy who has an unusually strong (I stress “unusually strong”, normal affection and respect are good and to be admired) attachment to his mother (and she to him, btw), hit the road and don’t look back. This is your rival for his affections. You will not win this one. Trust me on this. 😀


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