So, what do you think? – IOTW Report

So, what do you think?


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81 Comments on So, what do you think?

  1. Fiorina does have an awful face! She is annoying like that prissy, tall girl in the 5th grade who spent all her time memorizing all the state capitols and sucks up to the teacher while wrinkling her nose at the rest of the class for not knowing when Wyoming achieved statehood.

  2. the only way trump will ever drop in the polls is if he flip flops on the issues. He can apologize to Fiorina or tell her to pound sand. Won’t matter.

    I’m serious. He’s been declared dead a half dozen times already and just keeps climbing.

  3. I can’t stand having the television tuned to the default doctor’s office and post office channel. They actually had Van Jones commenting on the debate between the low tier kiddy debate and the big debate.

  4. You know, It’s sad that Rubio shot himself in the foot with most of us. He’s a real sharp guy. Maybe Trump can give him a position somewhere? There’s a lot of good talent on stage, and Reagan did say… ‘There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don’t care who gets the credit.’

    BTW, that Library is pretty spectacular. There’s a piece of the Berlin Wall in the outside garden. LOVE that Museum. Almost as great as the Lincoln Library<– which is mind boggling cool. ( but I love War History)

  5. actually, I think the repub’s have a good group…..most questions are answered with knowledgeable, articulate comments
    Trump – prez
    Cruz – vp
    Carson – Secretary of State….or HHS…whatever he want
    Fiorino – Secretary of Defense
    Rubio – ??? …..somewhere
    Huckabee – AG
    Krispy – Press Secretary

  6. That’s CNN. They’ll have bad dreams if they allow someone to land a solid punch on the Democrats/ Obama. It’s like NPR always breaking for a commercial at the very moment someone says something completely logical and off the Democrat talking point. I fucking hate them all. Though Jake is doing a good job tonight. That Dana chick… put a wooden steak in her head, and chop her head off. Just to be sure!

    I’m getting another G+T… anyone else need anything?

  7. that moderator guy (sorry, not a follower of CNN) is a total Dick…….he’s treating this like some reality game show….Regis Philbin would have been a better choice, if that’s what CNN was going for …..

  8. Same here, but I was listening to Mark Levine’s comments on the debates, good stuff. In Mark’s program he about had a heart attack over Flimsy (wristed) Lindsey’s comments about Reagan and Tip O’Neil….a total fabrication on Graham’s part. I think Lindsey’s job is to just muddy the waters all the while preaching bipartisanship with the dems i.e. exactly like his fairy tale about Tip and Ronald.

  9. I’m a little disappointed after this. Neither Cruz or Trump helped themselves. I’m particularly surprised Cruz was mostly unwilling to stick his neck out there. Carly and Rubio both did, and probably did well for doing so. Damn it.

  10. Don’t you think that at this point, saying you have smoked a joint when you were young, is like saying you drank beer when you were 16? Didn’t the choom gang put that issue to bed?

  11. I didn’t watch (no TV), just heard bits on the radio this morning.

    Carly was great talking about harvesting the fetal brain.

    LOVED Christie refereeing the Trump – Fiorina scrap.

    A commenter on another Website said that Trump won the second – tier debate without even being there LOL.

  12. The major success of last night’s ‘popular’ kids debate(?), was the liberals smirking in joy at the petty, selfish, snobby, bickering display of these supposed PRESIDENTIAL candidates. Trying to imagine any of them as presidential was difficult. Christy tried several times to get on topics. Carson, Cruz and Huckabee seemed the most grounded and resistant to the Trump traps that CNN baited.

    We have had almost 8 years with the most infantile, belligerent, decisive, solipsistic president in our history. I expect a candidate to display adult attributes. I loved Christy’s answers most often and that surprised me. He tried to stick to issues, not CNN baited self-destructive hijinx.

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