So what do you want, coral reefs or skin cancer? – IOTW Report

So what do you want, coral reefs or skin cancer?

Hawaii has banned sunscreens containing chemicals that they believe causes harm to coral reefs.

They said the sun causes cancer. People now were sunscreen. Now they say sunscreen causes environmental hazards.

Get this, though. The ban doesn’t apply to makeup worn by women that have the same chemicals in it.



ht/ brown eyed girl

16 Comments on So what do you want, coral reefs or skin cancer?

  1. I vacationed there in January. I don’t know about the damage to reefs claim, but I did witness a slimy, oily film on the water’s surface in the coves near some large resort areas where every tourist had sunscreen bottles in hand.

  2. Doesn’t make any difference. If you tan, you’re appropriating POC culture and if you don’t, white privilege. Now we have to contend with the enviro-moonbats as well?

  3. Nothing but a racket set up for the Hawaii “reef-safe” sunscreen cartel. Don’t bother packing what you think is “reef safe” sunscreen. It’ll be confiscated at the airport, and you’ll be helpfully shown where to purchase “reef state”—-I mean, “reef safe”—-local sunscreen.

  4. I hold a theory that sunscreen causes physical issues. It sure as heck jazzes up my pool although the newer stuff doesn’t leave the greasy rings it did when it first came on the market about 20 years ago.

    Anecdotally, the people I know who got melanoma had it where the sun don’t shine.

    There are swim shirts on the market.

  5. Thirdtwin- guaranteed that’s what they’re working up to.
    Hawaii-approved tanning and sunblock lotion, only sold at the governor’s nephew’s shop. lol.

    Some cosmetics (including body lotions) are infested with sunblocking ingredients. Even shampoos and conditioners. I’m not against people using them, but I must avoid them due to my allergies to them. Which is why I wear a hat like this guy:

  6. “Which is why I wear a hat…”

    That is the only way to block sun effectively. And notice all the Mexican yard guys wear hats and long sleeves. “Sunscreen?? We don’ need no stinkin’ sunscreen.”

  7. I can believe there’s some harmful stuff in sunscreen. My wife slathered a 1/4″ layer all over her shoulders and back a couple weeks ago. She then got in my truck. 2 days later, I noticed something strange on the passenger seat. Her sunscreen was smeared all over the upper part of the leather backrest. I think the leather is ruined, I can’t seem to clean off the sunscreen.

  8. Everybody who visits Hawaii and later gets skin cancer can then sue Hawaii. I foresee a boon in late night TV commercials advertising skin cancer lawsuits.

  9. BTW, the active ingredient in a lot of sun screens is zinc oxide. It’s harmless. Otherwise those people who slather ZnO on their noses would have a hole in the middle of their faces.


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