So what was Obama’s secret speech for the sports conference all about? – IOTW Report

So what was Obama’s secret speech for the sports conference all about?

AMERICAN THINKER: President Obama made a speech before the Sloan Sports Analytics Conference, and everyone there was told to keep it a secret.

According to MassLive:

In a bizarre demand, the MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference apparently called for attendees of Obama’s speech, which took place inside the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, to keep it a secret.

“The 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, will address the 2018 Sloan Sports Analytics Conference on February 23, 2018 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center,” a description of the ESPN-sponsored event says.  “A lifelong sports fan and athlete, President Obama will address a wide range of subjects in his talk, from his most memorable moments in the White House, to his post-presidency plans.”

But attendees and members of the media were given a policy that requires them not to talk about it.

That’s a good way not to keep it a secret.  Here’s one leak from the MassLive website:

“Getting diversity around you isn’t hard if you are intentional about it. If you say you can’t diversify your team, you just aren’t trying hard enough.” @BarackObama @SloanSportsConf #SSAC18 #changetheratio

— Women in Sports Tech (@WomenSportsTech) February 23, 2018

The group is dedicated to affirmative action for women in sports and obviously was so pleased at what he said (having paid good money to be there to hear it) that its members weren’t about to keep what they liked about the speech secret.  Being lefties, they worship the man, after all. But seriously, a sports conference?  Obama?  Who can barely ride a bicycle, let alone play sports?     MORE HERE

35 Comments on So what was Obama’s secret speech for the sports conference all about?

  1. “I didn’t used to experience traffic. I used to cause traffic.”

    He has to find new and creative ways to be insufferable. Remember when he used to troll us with his incessant golfing? I bet he plays less than half what he used to play, now that nobody gives a shit.

    Btw, nice portrait, sperm face. I hope your library turns out just as well.

  2. I could never keep a secret my red hot hatred for that POS that was permitted to vandalize and loot my country.

    The Trump family needed weeks to remediate the funked up WH because no kept Mr Robinson becoming all over the place.

  3. Who the hell knows why they want to keep it secret. As for me, there’s not one damn thing that guy could talk about that I’d either believe or care about.

    If we need any more laws, there should be one that prevents former presidents or their cabinet members from maintaining working relationships with their former cabinet/department members who hold positions under the new management.

    Why can’t obama just take up macrame, money laundering, or something else to busy his days? Or does he fancy himself America’s Geo. Soros? What a bad day for America when this guy came upon the national political scene. It seems we’ll never be rid of him!

  4. “A lifelong sports fan and athlete”


    Was this the speech where he told the NRA-protesting-students that he has been waiting for them? I don’t remember the actual quote, but it sounds like he is telling them that they are his citizen army he wanted.

  5. Diversity a name I hate.

    I see the Olympic folks are trying to figure out why they sucked so bad this year and are going to look at what other countries did.

    Diversity, just might have something to do with it. If you choose those who have a certain skin color, sexuality or political belief over the best athlete, you might just find you will suck.
    I doubt many other countries sent the most diverse and I doubt other countries had competitors who were more concerned with making political statements and trashing their leader than practicing.

    It’s too bad when you realize not everyone hands out participation ribbons.

    Diversity means anything other than a white heterosexual non-liberal.

  6. ORWW – Bingo. I used to enjoy the Olympics. This time was the first time ever that I found myself rooting against some of the Americans. Lindsy Vonn and the gay skater come to mind.

  7. I figured it out.
    He’s dangling bunk space in the Soros’ survival bunkers during the coming pandemic as favors for turning traitor and ushering in the New Globalism.

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