So, you think you have a nice barbecue? – IOTW Report

So, you think you have a nice barbecue?

11 Comments on So, you think you have a nice barbecue?

  1. I buy charcoal @ WalMart for about $16 a season (2 big bags … thanks for noticing 😉 )

    how much does jet fuel cost to turn meat into instant briquets?

  2. good question to all the iOTW’ers … what kind of grill do you use & what kind of grill is your fantasy macho get-a-chubby grill?

    (be a good thread for 4th of July)

  3. This gives me an idea – just marinate the bratwurst in jp4, light it up and when the fire goes out, grab the spicy mustard and enjoy! We don’t need no steenkin’ barbecue!

  4. on construction jobs we used to cook hot dogs using 2 #12 AWG wires stuck into each end of the dogs & shoving the other ends of the wires into an plug outlet
    (be sure to skin the ends of the wires, & be sure the dogs are wet)

    … sizzle, sizzle …

  5. HA!! When the access panel lifted, I laughed. This guy spent 300,000 dollars for a jet engine nacelle, put some fancy LEDs on it and stuffed it with a 21st century hibachi.
    Wise use of funds…

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