Social Engineering Will Kill the Marines – IOTW Report

Social Engineering Will Kill the Marines



My alma mater, the US Marine Corps, was embroiled this week in a noisy scandal. A group of Marines has been accused of posting nude photos of female service members on the InternetThe scandal has resulted in a hue-and-cry from all directions. It must be a hot item because even media-freak Gloria Allred has become involved. Gen.Robert Neller, Commandant of the Marine Corps, reacted by saying that the allegations “undermine everything that we stand for as a Marine Corps, and as Marines: discipline, honor, professionalism, and respect and trust amongst each other.” In a strict sense, Gen. Neller is correct. We should not excuse the actions of the Marines who are responsible for this fiasco. But in a broader context, Marines do not deserve blame for what is really one of the unfortunate consequences of applying political correctness to our military.

President Obama included among his many dubious “social engineering” objectives the enforcement by the federal government of the arbitrary imperatives of political correctness. One of his progressive notions was that women in the military must enjoy complete equality with men. Instead of strengthening a weakened militaryhis primary duty as commander-in-chief—Obama evidently believed that it was more important to open all combat jobs to women.
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16 Comments on Social Engineering Will Kill the Marines

  1. Sorry. No.
    The marine corps will not be besmirched by leftist plants.
    Let’s get serious. The marine corps defends us, lays its life on the line every day to protect America every single day.

    Nope. Idiots at ABC/NBC/CNN/CBS will never separate us from the Corps or any branch of our military.


    Fake news.

  2. “President Obama included among his many dubious “social engineering” objectives the enforcement by the federal government of the arbitrary imperatives of political correctness”.

    WTF does that even mean??
    I’ll damn well guarantee you…If Obutthole had his effeminate hand in any of this, it was for the sole purpose of degrading the U.S. military and every American that exists.

  3. During his confirmation hearing, a D dirtbag tried to corner Secy Mattis into affirming the ex-president’s social eng. project; asking him about his support of gays in the military. He came at him in a couple of different gotcha questions. Fed up, Mattis said he didn’t care what consenting adults did, but that his mission was clear. In other words, he’s not going to bend the mission’s requirements to accommodate SJW’s agenda.

  4. Quote from my active duty Marine. ” fuck them. They don’t know shit, nor have the balls to sign on the line. Fuck all of them, we don’t give a Fuck ”

    I have learned that the word Fuck is often substituted for almost any word. Sorry for the salty languge…..but he is not.

  5. Bad_Brad
    The last 27 years belies your statement. In the old Corps there were no weaklings in the 03xx group. There are many tody -weak both mentally and physically. The brigs shipboard are no longer guarded by Jarheads for this reason. SEALS, who still DO have standards, guard ’em! Mad Dog tried to get a Taliban/ISIS supporter as one of his lieutenants. He talks tough but …?
    As a leader of the bet rifle squad in Nam 67 – 68 I have some personal direct experience here.

  6. 17 to 22 year old warriors think about 3 things all the time, surviving, sex and beer. Women treated us like rock stars when I was in the Rangers, but honestly, I got more sex action in college afterwards. Good thing I didn’t have a digital camera in those days.

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