Socialism and Racism – IOTW Report

Socialism and Racism

**** I edited the original text sent to me. This is kinda harsh, but true.

A young black child asks his mother, “Mama, what is Socialism and what is Racism?

“Well, child, Socialism is when some folks work every day so that others can get governmental entitlement stuff for free. You know, like our free mobile phones for each family member, rent subsidy, food stamps, EBT, WIC, free school breakfast, lunch, and in some places supper; free healthcare, utility subsidy, and a riot every now and then, and on and on … you know, that’s Socialism.”

“But, mama, don’t the white people get pissed off about that?”

“Sure they do, Honey.  That’s called Racism.”

ht/ shang

16 Comments on Socialism and Racism

  1. This got me to wondering, what percentage of all welfare recipients are minorities, and in particular Blacks in relation to the other minorities?

    Gotta be accurate numbers somewhere but I don’t know where to look for them.

  2. “…free mobile phones for each family member, rent subsidy, food stamps, EBT, WIC, free school breakfast, lunch, and in some places supper; free healthcare, utility subsidy, and a riot every now and then, and on and on…”

    I’ve heard that a single mother would need to earn nearly $40k/year to do better than what taxpayers give for doing nothing.

  3. I’m an “Obama Racist.”

    I became a Racist during the Obama Presidency. I was forced into it, forced to abide in it…we all were… through Leftist Theories and a view of the world which says there is only bigotry, force of power and will, working through one’s “identity,” the chief characteristic of which is Race/Skin Color. I am, by virtue of my skin color…a Racist.

    Should you or I protest against this Leftist Worldview, well, this is only “proof” that you and I are “fragile” and wanting to maintain our “privilege” and power, etc.

    Thanks, 0bama.

  4. In a related story, according to the Daily Wire: Arizona State Dean: Grading Writing Based On Quality Is ‘Racist,’ Promotes ‘White Language Supremacy’. If quality, competency, standards, and accuracy (in math) are all characteristics of white supremacy, give me more of it. I want to drive over bridges that don’t collapse, enter into contracts that are clearly written, conduct business with people who know how to communicate clearly, and employ workers who are competent and show up on time (another white privilege characteristic).


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