Socialism Explained in 4 Panels – IOTW Report

Socialism Explained in 4 Panels


12 Comments on Socialism Explained in 4 Panels

  1. “Shoppers then seen her running into the women’s toilets” must have been written as first hand account from actual shoppers.

    Wow. At least it was pork sausage. Anybody remember the old commercial: “More Park sausages, mom?”

    What motivated this? I wondr if she was going to take this home and fix it up fer supper? What kind of condiments? Or did she use protection?

    What a way to start the day.

  2. Their (socialists’) schemes are predicated upon the coercion of all – and the eventual “liquidation” of unbelievers and non-conformists to that pernicious philosophy. The foolishness is so great that force is required – there can be NO choice – NO volunteerism – NO chance of individual will – NO independent thought.

    They (socialists) have always maintained that their failures were due to implementation, rather than the foolishness of their philosophy. Their philosophy requires that total submersion of humanity under the heel of some supreme dictator. Any thought, any liberty, any freedom allows the slaves to perceive the absolute stupidity of the socialist “philosophy” and thus, must be forbidden.

    And this is precisely why they can never leave anyone out of their schemes, why they can never allow choice, why they can never allow God.

    Try it.
    For instance: Demand that Socialist Security be voluntary.
    They’ll claim that “everyone” wants it, but that they can’t allow you to opt out because it would then fail – a self-contradiction.
    Same with ObolaCare – same with the abomination being contrived by the RINOs.

    izlamo delenda est …

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