Socialism-Loving Antifa Lose Their Hangout To Bankruptcy – IOTW Report

Socialism-Loving Antifa Lose Their Hangout To Bankruptcy

Why would a socialist pay their bar tab?


The NE Portland Cidery that served as an unofficial HQ of Portland’s Antifa professional protesters is going out of business on November 10th.

The owner, self-styled “anti-fascist” owner, Abram Goldman-Armstrong, told Willamette Week in September that he was looking for a buyer, claiming that cider distribution was piddling out and that he was more than $800,000 in debt.

But he wouldn’t sell to just anyone:

“We’re not going to sell to racist scumbags, and I don’t think the other investors would feel comfortable selling to someone who doesn’t believe in equal rights for all humans. Political views don’t usually play a part in business, so we’re not ruling out anyone unless they’re really terrible.”

Since people like Goldman-Armstrong think that everyone to the right of Mao is a “racist scumbag,” you can imagine that it would be hard to find a buyer. And, guess what? He didn’t.

Cider Riot! unabashedly supported Antifa by allowing their customers to saturate members of Patriot Prayer anti antifa group with bear spray as they stood on the public sidewalk outside the cidery. Patriot Prayer leader, Joey Gibson, was charged in the May Day 2018 incident.

MUCH MORE HERE w/ pictures and videos of complete dbags.

ht/ merrymouse

21 Comments on Socialism-Loving Antifa Lose Their Hangout To Bankruptcy

  1. Two-legged vermin don’t have pockets to hold money and their tiny fingers can’t operate a foodstamp card reader.

    Sewer rats, with plague fleas covered in lice. That’s ANTIFA.

    Ciderman just got a taste.

  2. “…and I don’t think the other investors would feel comfortable selling to someone who doesn’t believe in equal rights..”

    And by investors he means the greedy capitalist pigs at the bank from which he borrowed to open this dive, and he’s getting ready to stiff.

  3. Whyncha spend your parent’s wealth on something else? Like open a Cereal Bar, or a Pudding-to-go drive through.
    Mayhap a breadless sandwich shop, or Shell-less taco stand where you put the ingredients directly into peoples hands.
    Now that is Hipster gold

  4. If he’s in a filed Bankruptcy he’s going to sell to whomever offers the most for his assets or explain to both his creditors and the Court why he didn’t. and I doubt political differences would accepted by them.

  5. These prick cider drinking tab pushing pussies are probably the same scum that went to Andy Ngo’s house in disguise, DRUNK and dangerous.

    We at IOTW should never forget that action and provocation by Antifag, the military faction of the Democrat Party.

  6. This place was where Antifa Sean Keahliher got run over. Still no word on whodunnit. No word on whose car did the squashing. Crickets from the cops. Read on in Victoria’s blog for some info on that incident. You’ll have to scroll down a bit.

  7. @Anonymous November 3, 2019 at 6:55 pm

    > and I doubt political differences would accepted by them

    You do realize it’s in Portland? Right? I wouldn’t believe a political impact statement wasn’t required, to be allowed to file.


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