Socialist Rep. Ocasio-Cortez claims Reagan was racist – IOTW Report

Socialist Rep. Ocasio-Cortez claims Reagan was racist


DC: Conservatives used Twitter to rip Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for her recent comments about “Reaganism in the ’80’s” pitting the “white working class Americans against brown and black working class Americans.”

“A perfect example of how special interests and the powerful have pitted white working class Americans against brown and black working class Americans is Reaganism in the ’80s when he started talking about welfare queens,” Ocasio-Cortez told The Intercept’s Briahna Gray on Saturday at the South by Southwest Conference & Festivals in Austin, Texas.

“So you think about this image of welfare queens and what he was really trying to talk about was … this like really resentful vision of essentially black women who were doing nothing, that were ‘sucks’ on our country. That’s not explicit racism but still rooted in a racist caricature.”

Conservatives on Twitter weren’t about to take the democratic socialist congresswoman’s words lying down. Conservative actor James Woods used a famous Reagan quote against the young liberal politician. more

21 Comments on Socialist Rep. Ocasio-Cortez claims Reagan was racist

  1. She is really messing things up for the communist socialist in this country. They planned on boiling the frog slowly, keeping their intentions of changing society slowly, “nudging” the country towards their Utopia.

    Then along comes this clown and her BFF gal pals in congress, yanking the frog from the pot and throwing it in the frying pan. Even the Democrats are getting burned.

    The good news is that everyone can now see what leftist are really trying to do their country, their communities and their families.

    Like Amazon staying away from New York, hopefully voters will shy away from Democrats at the ballot box.

  2. “Like Amazon staying away from New York, hopefully voters will shy away from Democrats at the ballot box.”

    …only problem with this theory, @The Gunny, is that between massive voter fraud, dead voters, illegal voters, and the state compact for popular elections that they designed to circumvent the Electoral College, New York and California will be picking our next President ANYWAY, voters elsewhere be damned…

  3. Anyone who calls someone a racists, is a racists as well. It’s just a word with very little meaning IMHO. You can’t possibly like everyone. I despise OAC, I despise dumb people like her. But we need her around for entertainment. It’s not nice to laugh at stupid people, but damn, I need to laugh at something.

  4. Cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt ,cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt ,cunt, cunt, cuntt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, CUNT

  5. Today, it’s Reagan the racist, and tomorrow it will be all the other 44 presidents except Ofucknuts, the Muzzie/Socialist fake citizen.
    The Big Zero is probably the first president she ever voted for and doncha’ know, that all history begins when you were born?

  6. Cortez is a sock puppet. Not a word out of her mouth is not fed to her by her sinister handlers.

    Their goal is to desroy every American institution and person of greatness and replace them with shit like obama or sanders and the like.

    Take back our schools, or its hopeless.

  7. Commissar Cortez has determined that it’s time to storm the gates of the Ronald Reagan Presidenal Library. Once inside the Presidential Library, her followers will riffle through files looking for evidence that President Reagan was racially inspired to grant amnesty on November 6, 1986 to three million illegal immigrants from all those colored countries. Since this doesn’t make any sense, expect Commissar Cortez to explain that the Amnesty Act was enacted solely to keep all those swimming pools cleaned and lawns groomed for racist rich white people.

  8. One has to be completely ignorant of economic and social history to even take Sandy Ocasio seriously. That’s the scary part. We’ve raised a generation of indoctrinated illiterates that latch on to this BS and actually embrace it.

  9. 2 things that just makes my blood boil.. Moslem’s who scream “Aloha Snackbar” and people screaming your a racist while being racist! I just want to shove their heads into a dirty bathroom toilet!

  10. “The economic lot for blacks and Hispanics improved far more than it did for whites after Reagan’s steep tax cuts. In late 1982, Reagan’s second year in office, the unemployment rate for blacks was 20.4 percent. By 1989, his last year, the black unemployment rate had fallen to 11.4 percent — a 9 percent drop. In late 1982, the unemployment rate for Hispanics was 15.3 percent. By 1989, it had fallen to 8 percent — a drop of over 7 percentage points. White unemployment, by contrast, fell “only” 4 percentage points.

    “What about black-owned businesses? In 1982, according to the Census Bureau, there were 308,000 black-owned businesses. By 1987, the number had increased to 424,000, up 38 percent. The number of all U.S. businesses was up “only” 14 percent. Receipts for black-owned businesses went from less than $10 billion to nearly $20 billion — a 100 percent increase.”

    If Reagan’s aim was to pit black and brown workers against white workers, he did an pitifully poor job of it. Few presidencies have done as well for minorities…until Donald J. Trump, today.

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