Society’s Finest – IOTW Report

Society’s Finest

I thought we (when I say we, I condescendingly mean society’s room temperature IQ crew) were done with the “f*ck her right in the pu**y” meme?

Apparently not.

It’s probably just catching on with the rapefugee crowd.

Is it me or does this guy not look like he’s named Muhammad?

Guy gropes a TV reporter on air, shouting Allahu Ackbar  “f*ck her right in the pu**y.” Screen Shot 2016-01-13 at 3.07.18 AM

12 Comments on Society’s Finest

  1. That’s pretty uncivilized behavior. But when when it catches on and becomes an epidemic maybe these bleeding heart fucking talking heads will start reporting things as they are. Either that or they better stay in the safety of the newsroom. Colin Flaherty could teach them a thing or two. It’s coming folks, brace yourselves.

  2. The best thing ever invented is a phone with a high resolution camera on it.
    When you leave your house your on camera somewhere.
    That way we can see who the good guys are and who they arn’t.

    Blacks? No

    Muslims? No

  3. This is whut happens when you let all the Village Idiots from the Middle East come here to do whut they do best: Be Village Idiots on a mission to fuck up the West any way they can!
    Arab Spring?
    More like Arab Jumangi…

  4. Not a fan of this meme or the coarse language in public on a public broadcast. Yet I am a *yuge* fan of these man-on-the-street idiots getting slammed by Joe Sixpack every chance they get. They don’t own everything going on in the darn camera shot.

  5. Why did the camera twit stop and run? was he afraid his twat was going to be grabbed next before being tossed off a roof by the Muslim goat lover? The Left, the MSM deserve what they have coming…Hella Snackbar!!

  6. They are desensitizing us. All part of Creeping Sharia. It’s common place in Europe now for these bastards to rape white women and to a point it’s accepted. To me this is a sure sign it’s coming here.

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