Soft-Boiled Clitoris – IOTW Report

Soft-Boiled Clitoris

A 17 year-old girl says Dustin Hoffman sexually abused her, both physically and verbally, while working on the set of Death of a Salesman.

Actors are arrogant, self-important, power high $hitheads.  They are exposed 24/7 to people laughing at every stale joke, every stupid utterance, in order to get inside their sphere.  The stupid actor starts to believe that they are super charming, super entitled and they say and do pretty much what they want to do.

Why do you think the divorce rate is so high?

When the spouse gets inside the sphere and feels secure enough to eye roll the bad joke, yell about the farts, call the person out on their idiocy, they are jettisoned for the newest fawning sycophant.

Enter Dustin Hoffman, an uber jerk. (I can remember the day he discovered the word “hegemony.” He was promoting a new movie, but steered the interviews over to politics so he could, on cue, in EVERY interview, worm in the word. It was actually comical.)

Hollywood Reporter-

This is a story I’ve told so often I’m sometimes surprised when someone I know hasn’t heard it. It begins, “Dustin Hoffman sexually harassed me when I was 17.” Then I give the details: When I was a senior in high school in New York City, interning as a production assistant on the set of the Death of a Salesman TV film, he asked me to give him a foot massage my first day on set; I did. He was openly flirtatious, he grabbed my ass, he talked about sex to me and in front of me. One morning I went to his dressing room to take his breakfast order; he looked at me and grinned, taking his time. Then he said, “I’ll have a hard-boiled egg … and a soft-boiled clitoris.” His entourage burst out laughing. I left, speechless. Then I went to the bathroom and cried.


Is this the worst case of sexual assault I ever heard of? No.

But it is indicative of the actor mindset, where inappropriateness must be tolerated because of “who they are.”



30 Comments on Soft-Boiled Clitoris

  1. All these other stories have left me speechless. But this one sounds more like what I witnessed as a kid. Adults being incredible dicks. Poor intern. There’s no lawsuit or anything, but I bet she feels a hell of a lot better getting this story out there.

  2. I did hear a very nice story about Dustin Hoffman earlier this year, not sure when it happened but within the past few years. A friend of mine was at the beach – one of those ‘private’ Malibu beaches that you are legally allowed on but which the homeowners try to keep the riffraff (i.e. anyone other than them) off. She got stung by a bee and started to go into anaphylactic shock. A security guard refused to help, and she figured she wouldn’t be able to walk far enough to get help. Her airway closing up, she was actually saying goodbye to her children. Suddenly Dustin Hoffman appeared, his house was right there and his wife had an Epi-Pen. He took her up to his house and stayed with her until she was ok.

    People can do both good and bad things. But having heard this story first-hand I can attest to at least some good in him.

  3. This happened in 1985 – 32 years ago! This was a low-life comment, not a fucking earthquake.

    Talk abut soft-boiled — these people are so limp, that even decades-old comments can make them fall apart.

  4. “When the spouse gets inside the sphere and feels secure enough to eye roll the bad joke, yell about the farts, call the person out on their idiocy, they are jettisoned for the newest fawning sycophant.”

    I don’t have one damn bit of sympathy for Hollywood spouses. They knew exactly what they were signing up for when they took the gig. There is a difference between a victim and a volunteer. I believe every person has only so much capacity for real empathy and I will save mine for the true victims and let the volunteers fend for themselves. I don’t have one damn bit of sympathy for political spouses either, and for the same reason.

  5. Enough already. I pity the person WASN’T sexually assaulted by some bigwig. Their self esteem must be in the toilet.

    “I worked for 3 weeks on the film ‘Batman Saves the Homeless’ and not one of the stars, male or female, grabbed my crotch or patted my tush. Not even one crude comment or off color joke was directed my way. I am more than a little hurt and offended. As a person of ambiguous color I feel slighted and marginalized. Someone needs to pay for this gross oversight! What am I, chopped liver?”

  6. Picking on interns is a time tested tradition. But you don’t bang them or ass slap them or make crude sexual jokes at their expense. If you keep doing it, you’re a liability to any organization.

    I say MORE. Let’s expose all of these scum farts. No one remembers Drew Barrymore gettin’ all coked up at 12? No one remember Chris Farley groping and coming on to anything that moved? Doesn’t the music industry deserve a little attention? I seem to recall a few musicians who liked them “just 17 if you know what I mean.”

  7. The one thing I’m finding a little funny is that while women have, over the years, taken more and more senior spots within the industry (Directors, Producers, Writers not to mention Stars) there hasn’t been to my knowledge any women been accused of sexual harrasment (or assault) of men or, for that matter, other women. While I would understand that a woman may be less likely to commit the sort of offense that they themselves perhaps suffered in a prior life it still strikes me as kind of odd. Surely there are a number of lesbians that have the same atitude as some men when it comes to coercing a young woman into bed just as there are aggressive woman who will take similiar tactics as men to bed that charming extra on the set. Or maybe identifying women guilty of the same crimes as the men would ruin the narrative being played out.

  8. Alright, well, 17 years old, she was still in school so she should have reported him to the police. If you’re that age, any age and don’t say anything way back then, what’s the point of crying about it now?

    Scr_North: I wondered about that, too. There’s no way that some women weren’t doing the same shit the men were. Whether they were higher ups or not.

  9. In Hollywood sex sells and arrogance excels!
    Not all women are all wide-eyed and innocent either.
    There is no question of why most go there, so let’s not overplay the victim tune here. It doesn’t make the men more tolerable pigs, it is only to say be aware of what yer getting into before making that trip to land of fruits and nuts!

  10. joe

    Interesting story. At least I think so,LOL. She graduated from ASU, but then decided to continue on at Chico State (for some dumb ass reason). Long story short, she gets a job at some restaurant. Mom and dad are cutting off the funds. One day my oldest son tells me some Mex bus boy punched her in the abs over a football bet she won, knocked the wind out of her. So I tell numero uno son, who was jumping in his truck to drive up there, get a name. He did. It was duck season and I hunt out of Gridley. A 15 minute drive. I walked in at 5:30 AM thru the back door and asked for George. Turns out I was talking to George and about the time his eyes got as big as frisbees I slapped that bitch so hard it sounded like a gun shot. To this day I don’t think she knows I was there. But yes she a pretty good athlete. But that’s only half of it.

  11. @Bad_Brad: Never said I said anything like that to a 17-year old. Wouldn’t have done that. However, I did have the 17-year old daughter of an acquaintance come on to me about 40+ years ago, totally unsolicited on my part. Turns out she was more sexually experienced than me at the time, and knew exactly what she was doing.

    Always remember: There are two sides to every story, and not everyone tells the truth, no matter what they may say later.

  12. Vietvet,

    But that’s the point. You wouldn’t have said anything like that. Me neither. I venture to say no male that comments here would have said that. I guess the deal is, she’s 17. Especially disgusting with the entourage obligatory laugh.
    The prima donna assholes.

  13. Ever notice that Dustin Hoffman and Al Pacino have never been seen together?
    That’s because they’re the same dude. (some comedian)

    I’m a little tired of people who will fuck and suck to secure a part complaining about “sexual harassment.” “Sexual harassment” is another of those vague, ephemeral, more or less meaningless terms that are constructed entirely in the mind of the “victim” and have no substantial sense outside that purview. Like “racism” – throwing someone in an oven is substantial, REAL – believing that you’re being ignored by someone you don’t know is paranoia. The “theatre” has always been composed of perverts, whores, prostitutes, drunks, depravity, sodomy, whores, and … oh, yeah … whores. Do we need to drag “Nana” out?

    izlamo delenda est …

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