Soft on Crime Sweden May Have a Revenge Killing on Its Hands – IOTW Report

Soft on Crime Sweden May Have a Revenge Killing on Its Hands

Western Journal

According to the Swedish website Fria Tider, on March 26, an abandoned taxi belonging to a Middle Eastern taxi driver was found in the parking lot of the Hjälstaviken nature reserve near Stockholm. On April 1, the body of the missing taxi driver was found hanging in the nature reserve.

This story is already disturbing enough, but police quickly discovered that it may have been a form of vigilantism — spearheaded by a 15-year-old girl, her boyfriend, and her brothers. More and Here

21 Comments on Soft on Crime Sweden May Have a Revenge Killing on Its Hands

  1. Why was he still driving a cab? Don’t most places make you pass a background check for such a job and then you have to keep your nose clean?

    Of course officials are going to hold those responsible in this case much more than they were interested in holding him responsible for the rape. After all, that was her fault for having a vagina.

  2. From one of the articles: “The solution to lawlessness is never more lawlessness.”

    This is true IF justice is served. Where there is no hope of justice, them other forms of holding someone accountable are acceptable.

  3. People like to believe that the police are there to apprehend criminals and enforce the law. But the other role is keeping the citizens and the victims from exacting justice. When they don’t do their job, don’t care, don’t show up, etc, the citizens/victims will do what is needed.

  4. The only hope for whites now is to stop fearing your fucked up woke governments. Stop fearing anti-white racists. And start being the people who everyone else fears. Be the assholes they claim you are. They’ll long for the days when you were reasonable instead of scary as fuck.

  5. The taxi driver found justice.
    End of story.
    The fucking cops, who did nothing, should just go home and mark it up to suicide.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. From the article:
    “ Justice must come from the proper authorities, not from private citizens who have no authority, and no reason, to take actions like this against people.”

    No reason? They had every reason because the “proper authorities” failed them.

    Brothers should have told her to keep her mouth shut, and use a burner phone.

  7. It was only by the agreement of the people that we had a formal police and justice system. Once one side refuses to abide by that contract, then the people consider it null and void and will rightfully return to the neighborhood justice system. It has worked in the past, although that was a century or so ago, it will work again if the social contract continues to fall apart and be violated by one side.

  8. From the article: “Justice must come from the proper authorities, not from citizens who have no authority.” Bullshit! When the ‘proper authorities’ fail to act in the interest of the citizens, the citizens have a moral right to act.

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