Solar Eclipse Photos – IOTW Report

Solar Eclipse Photos

These are pictures from Dadof4 that he took with his phone camera through his eclipse sunglasses.

It would be nice to see what photos our readers may have taken. Send us photos you, your family, or friends took and agree to let us publish them. This should be fun to see what you have taken!

If you took videos of the event, you may want to share them, too. Post them to whatever video service you use on the internet and send me the link so I can post it for our readers to enjoy.

To submit your eclipse pictures, please email them to:


  • ‘Eclipse’ in the subject line.
  • Your screen name.
  • Comments about the picture(s) you want to share.

15 Comments on Solar Eclipse Photos

  1. I got to see the Partial Eclipse and it was phenomenal. Chickened out on pics because even with protecting the camera lens with Eclipse glasses, I thought it might damage my camera. Well, turns out it was safe and kicking myself for missing the opportunity.
    Hope I’m still around for the next time.

  2. I went to southern Indiana for the 2017 total eclipse and was stunned at how it moved me. I was in a very rural area, so lots of wildlife, and when the sun started to “dim,” it was so eerie how the daytime wildlife became silent and the nighttime wildlife woke up.

    I was with a small crowd, so there was no cheering or talking. Just silence. And no one left before the moon had cleared the sun and the birds started chirping again.

    I said a prayer to thank God for the blessing that he created to allow that beautiful show of his glory.

    This eclipse, I stayed in my front yard and saw about 95% totality. Still amazing.

  3. I canceled a trip to Georgetown, Texas to watch the total eclipse with my sons because they predicted total overcast weather. My sons told me it was thick overcast until minutes before the total eclipse and then the clouds parted allowing them to experience the whole thing. A few minutes afterwards, the hole in the clouds closed up, again. Oh, well! I did experience a 95% eclipse at my home when the clouds allowed. Let’s go, Brandon!

  4. PHenry (and anyone else interested) – Highlight and copy (ctrl + C) the address. Open another internet session. Paste copied address in the address bar and hit enter. The picture should come up. (at least it did for me)

  5. Here in SC it was VERY partial, but fun nonetheless… I used a welding hood but my photos are crap.. They really picked up the scratches on the lens though!


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