Solar Increase Power Company’s Green House Gas Output – IOTW Report

Solar Increase Power Company’s Green House Gas Output

The Federalist

Reporting by North State Journal revealed Duke is asking North Carolina regulators to ease air quality emission limits for some of Duke’s combustion turbine facilities. The utility is trying to reduce air pollution it says is due to the increased penetration of solar power. North Carolina ranks second in the nation, behind only California, in the amount of installed solar plants.

Duke’s problem shows what happens when basic science collides with operational reality. Solar energy is intermittent. Until a reasonable storage technology is available, natural gas plants must operate when solar is brought on and off the grid. Put simply, the gas plant is generating power when the sun isn’t shining. Duke’s applications reportedly show that, due to the see-saw effect of deploying solar, emissions of the pollutant nitrogen oxide have increased, even though the level is lower than emissions from purely coal-based energy. More

13 Comments on Solar Increase Power Company’s Green House Gas Output

  1. Solar panels on the roof of your home or commercial building is sensible. It covers an area that isn’t generally used, and most importantly its primary use is during hot days for air conditioning, which is when the sun is shining the brightest. It is sensible – as a complement to basic energy needs, which should come from a more consistent source. Like nuclear, coal, oil, natgas, hydro.
    Wind energy seems pretty bad in almost any case. I am just thinking logically but prove me wrong.

  2. wind power (not referring to the wind power from AlGore’s nostrils, or Greta’s cavity) is just as bad … & they’re not even touching on the fact that manufacturing solar panels increases pollution … & they only have a life-expectancy from 5-10 years, due to breakdown of the silicone (due to sunlight!!! lmao!) & the dust, dirt & any other object (leaves, birdshit, etc.) degrading the output

    solar panels are the biggest joke on the planet … think about it for a moment … if they were truly an efficient means of energy they’d be installed up & down every median strip in the US interstate highway system

  3. @Left Coast Dan – To get important information not usually included in greenie solar energy propaganda, I suggest you ask your insurance agent what a roof-top photovoltaic setup will do to your risks and consequently your premiums. Then stop by your local fire department and ask them about their special procedures for fighting fires in buildings with PV panels, especially in daylight. Also check with your electric utility about your ability to “sell” them excess power when your PV panels are producing more power than you’re using, and what your priority is when they are restoring home power after a general area power outage.

    The answers might suggest that rooftop PV installations are not a good idea, and that’s putting it mildly.

  4. Fuck you. I burn coal. I used to burn dinosaur farts, but now I burn the dinosaur.

    Eb Scrooge: These are garments, Mr. Cratchit. Garments were invented by the human race as a protection against the cold. Once purchased, they may be used indefinitely for the purpose for which they are intended. Coal burns. Coal is momentary and coal is costly. There will be no more coal burned in this office today, is that quite clear, Mr. Cratchit?

    Bob: Yes, sir.

    Eb: Now please get back to work before I am forced to conclude that your services here are no longer required.

  5. Have a friend whom was considering putting solar panels on his roof. When he and his wife asked what I thought I told them they needed to understand that the panels deteriorate over time and need to be replaced. They were surprised to here that as they didn’t get that info from the snake oil salesman trying to sucker them into the purchase. They researched after speaking to me and thanked me for keeping them from making a foolish decision.

  6. This is a perfect example of facts getting in the way of truth. The earth is burning! Don’t you get it? We have to panic and do everything and anything to save it, even if that means increasing CO2 thereby speeding up the burning.

    Remember the famous quote by President Nixon “We have to destroy the villages to save them.”? He was referring to China when he ordered the napalm dropped to destroy the Vietnam poppy crops. But this applies to the Earth as well. We have to destroy the Earth to save it from humans.

  7. The dirty little secret about solar power systems, is the fact, you will never recoup the initial costs.., then there’s the little known fact, about the battery storage system.lots of batteries are required..and those aren’t cheap., and they only hold up to the duty cycles for a short period of effective usage.. then there is the disposal fees for those batteries, and the replacements. Heaven forbid, your solar panels on the roof, get caught in a hail storm.., there are exceptions to the panels success, but for the most part, the majority of systems won’t cut it, for long..


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