Soldier Attacked at Fort Sill, Oklahoma – And He Probably Has a New Nickname – IOTW Report

Soldier Attacked at Fort Sill, Oklahoma – And He Probably Has a New Nickname

Sent on a wild goose chase.

15 Comments on Soldier Attacked at Fort Sill, Oklahoma – And He Probably Has a New Nickname

  1. Mean bastards. My dad bought 3 farm geese for the huge garden and bugs. We fought with them all of time. They won and we had the bruises to prove it.

    God help us if we’da hurt one of dads holy geese!

    I miss those huge gardens.

  2. Maybe we could use them to guard the border? They are very territorial and go after anything and everything that invades their territory.

    We have just seen how they handle men in uniform.

    Now to get them declared unclean by the “religion of peace.”

  3. That is a golf course goose – non migratory. They are not afraid of people.
    Before the strict wildlife conservation laws started protecting them a golf course goose like this would have been on the stove.

  4. You stop a goose attack by grabbing it around the neck and tucking it under your arm, pinning its wings. After about 30 seconds, it gets very quiet and runs off when released. No need to kick it and useless to run away from one — they are fast. Those few intimidated soldiers must have been city boys.

  5. So as i said…
    Abreviated for space…

    Many years ago my brother-in-law worked for the Chicago Park District which was also affiliated with Brookfield Zoo and Marlin Perkins who was very ANAL about any number things.

    One of those things was having to do with the care and feeding of the swans that they had swimming around in Buckingham Fountain at the time. There was a “walkway” that was about a foot below the surface of the water that my BIL had to walk out on in chest waders to ever so perfectly arrange the lettace and other feed for the swans at another raised area in the center of the fountain. Seems that early on in the early part of the season (COLD WATER) doing this part of the job Mr. Swan (for whatever reason) decided that my BIL shouldn’t be allowed to be in his turf. As he was walking back from laying the “perfect arrangement” of gourmet swan food he was attacked from behind by the swan who knocked him off the raised walkway. His waders immediately filled with water and the swan kept attacking him and beating him with his wings and almost succeeded in drowning him.

    Going forward it was not the same minute arrangement of the feed as he just dumped it out there and was very proactive about watching for the continued attacks (which there were) and made the job completed as fast as he could.

    Had many many stories about Perkins and his “Sidekick Jim” (Wild Kingdom) “We’ll be right back after we help Jim who is currently trying to not let that Boa Constrictor eat him…”

    Which reminds me of Shel Silverstein’s poem “I’m being eaten by a Boa Costrictor.” Any idea what happened to all those Easter baby chicks and ducks that the kids used to get and mom and dad would tire of cleaning up after. Yeah, they took them to the farm to live happily ever after, sure they did. Anyone ever recall being at the “snake house” at the zoo during feeding time? Yeah, me neither.

    Again, the stories and the many bottles of Andecker that were consumed… But I digress…


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