Some Dems are acknowledging Biden’s accuser. Well, sort of. – IOTW Report

Some Dems are acknowledging Biden’s accuser. Well, sort of.

OK not really.

Let’s begin with this story:

DNC Chair Tom Perez Said Candidates Who Committed Sexual Misconduct ‘Should Step Aside.’ Now Joe Biden Is Facing A Sexual Assault Accusation.

But we haven’t heard anything from the DNC about the latest accusations.

Pressure Mounts For Biden To Unseal Documents Related To Time In Senate, Tara Reade.

But the pressure is only from Tara Reade. Sure, Wapo tried to do some digging, but not that much digging. *wink wink*.

Alyssa Milano Caves To Backlash, Gives Support To Biden Accuser Tara Reade.

*high-pitched voice* Weeeellll….
Not her ‘support’ support. She only made the following comment because FOX News and Reade herself got on her case.

Following this backlash, Milano tweeted: “I’m aware of the new developments in Tara Reade’s accusation against Joe Biden. I want Tara, like every other survivor, to have the space to be heard and seen without being used as fodder. I hear and see you, Tara. #MeToo

See? She may ‘hear and see‘, but she ‘supports‘ Joe Biden.

The truth is, Joe Biden will not be arrested,
he will not be charged with anything.
And not just because he’s a Dem, it’s because too much time has passed-Statute of limitations and all. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, when you have something to say, you should say it when it happens, on record.

Just wondering…Did any of the Senate office spaces have security cameras back then?

6 Comments on Some Dems are acknowledging Biden’s accuser. Well, sort of.

  1. Doctor Jill doesn’t remember her husband, Dementia Joe Obiden Bama, ever mentioning this to her. Therefore, it must not have happened. Justice Brett Kavanaugh never told his wife about all those women he never assaulted either, but he’s a liar. See how it works if your a member of the Dementiacrat Party?


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