Some Dems Are Waking Up to the Fact – IOTW Report

Some Dems Are Waking Up to the Fact

nbc news

Despite an air of confidence from Biden and his team, some Democrats say they believe Trump has a very serious shot at winning back the Oval Office.

“If you think otherwise, you have literally had your head buried in the sand,” said former Rep. Tim Ryan, Democrat of Ohio, who fell short in his bid to woo Trump-friendly voters to his side in a 2022 Senate race against JD Vance. “You’re living in a world of delusion. And it’s dangerous.” More

18 Comments on Some Dems Are Waking Up to the Fact


    Exactly. And if Trump can’t win, nobody with an R behind their name can win. MAGA is the Republican party. The RNC just hasn’t figured that out yet.

  2. Despite an air of confidence from Biden and his team, some Democrats say they believe Trump has a very serious shot at winning a third time, this time by such a wide margin that it complicates them stealing another Presidential election.

  3. RFKJ will end up being Trumps VP candidate. For a very good reason. Hopefully there’s a spot for Tulsi Gabbard. All three have something in common that is more important than any other issues. Burn it down.

  4. The election fraud / theft has to be solved before Trump or anyone else can win. The video linked below shows just how easily the Dominion and ESS machines can be manipulated to swap votes without leaving a “trail” in the system logs. I was amazed at how easily it can be done (using software built into the systems) and it puts the lie to GA SoS Raffensperger’s false claims that Georgia’s elections are secure.

    The whole video is about 28 minutes but well worth watching. You can skip to the 3:00 minute mark if you want to save a little time (skip the introduction and the guy’s qualifications which are solid).

    I hope DJT already knows about this so he can blow Raffensperger out of the water with the potential GA indictment against Trump. This video proves what a prolific and pernicious liar Raffensperger is and how easily the elections can be stolen using the Dominion / ESS machines. Until these machines are done away with, it is impossible to have an honest election.

  5. What Brad said. All of it. I will change parties and vote for RFKJ in the Georgia primary, and switch back to vote for Trump in the general, if possible. Anybody know? I haven’t gotten off my ass and done the legwork. But I’m about to vote for my first democrat in decades.

    What the Uniparty doesn’t realize is that there is a legion out there and we have NOTHING to lose, and NO FAITH in proven losers. And we are not going to bother with going to the Capitol next time. Make of that what you will, deep state.

  6. Thirdtwin

    Right there with you. Burn this shit down, And the people I mentioned get it. BECAUSE, they ended up being strong constitutionalists. And that’s what it’s all about. Destroy the self serving Uni Party. Interesting fact, RFK and Tulsi are now pro 2a. Why would that be? Red pilled.


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