Some Dems aren’t thrilled with O’Rourke – IOTW Report

Some Dems aren’t thrilled with O’Rourke

Gillum: ‘No Doubt’ Beto Taken Seriously Because He Enjoys ‘Set of Privileges’.

Breitbart: Failed Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum (D) said on Wednesday that presidential candidate Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke (D) is only taken seriously after his 2018 loss because of his “set of privileges.”

“There’s no doubt that O’Rourke enjoys a set of privileges in his decision making that other candidates don’t,” Gillum told the New York Times. “Can you imagine it for any of the women that are in the race for president or considering a run? They probably could not muse out loud, or in the recesses of their mind have these sorts of conversations and then say them out loud, and think it would be taken seriously or they would be taken seriously.”

Many black and female Democrats have pointed out that liberal journalists, most of whom are white males, gushed over O’Rourke’s potential presidential candidacy even before he lost to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) while they downplayed the presidential prospects of Gillum and failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams.  MORE




Top Latino Columnist: Unearned ‘Beto’ Moniker like ‘Stolen Valor’.

One of the country’s top Latino columnists ripped Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke over the weekend for his cultural appropriation, arguing that “Beto” has not “earned” his nickname.

In fact, in a USA Today column, Ruben Navarrette said that the “Beto backlash” among Latinos reminds him
“of the idea of stolen valor, the righteous outrage felt by combat veterans when others who didn’t see action claim medals they don’t deserve.” MORE


19 Comments on Some Dems aren’t thrilled with O’Rourke

  1. Taco Bell O’Dorko, the most authentic “Whatever” to run for President since the Democrat Party decided it had to appeal to every segment of every faction of every aggrieved interest in the vast group of disaffected people who believe in “Whatever” it takes to regain the office that Clinton was supposed to inherit.

    Remember when Billy Clinton dismissively told Teddy Kennedy that Obama was only qualified to be fetching the coffee in a futile attempt to dissuade Kennedy from endorsing Obammy? Now they have turned to someone who would have been spilling hot coffee all over the Clintons and the Kennedys and ruining their furniture. This clown is the best thing to happen to Trump’s prospect for re-election since President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton started writing books about WTF Happened!

  2. I agree with riverlife_callie, in that there is no way a white male will ever get the nomination except for Bernie.
    The epitome of white privilege, old as dirt, richer than 99% of all Americans, never held a REAL job, and yet the mills love him.
    Maybe he smells like them?
    My dogs like stinky things.
    Just a thought. I’m gonna drink another one.

  3. That Ruben Navarrette guy totally plagiarized me. That’s exactly what I wrote….. at this website….except the stolen valor part. That’s just nuts.

    Anyway, you don’t give yourself a nickname, you earn it.

    Tonto O’Rourke has a nice ring to it.

  4. If nothing else, the attempted hype of O’Rourke shows how shallow much of the youth of our country are. The guy stands for nothing but a trend.

    The question put to young people should be: If you were diagnosed with cancer, would you want Dr. Beto to treat you, or Dr. Trump?

    You know the frightened, self-righteous rabbits would pick Dr. Trump.

    Corrupt dummies.


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