Some Footage From “$hits on a Plane” – IOTW Report

Some Footage From “$hits on a Plane”

The flight to Barcelona became Barfelona as someone created a “biohazard,” and the plane returned its departure.

I read that a river of diarrhea ran down the aisle. I was scatica… err.. skeptical.

But here is some evidence.

13 Comments on Some Footage From “$hits on a Plane”

  1. I worked as a janitor at an American Legion hall as a kid, cleaning up after events. Once the women’s bathroom looked like someone exploded. Shit was everywhere, even on places so high you would think gravity would prevent it from reaching. We brought the outside hose in the front door and down the hallway and just hosed the entire bathroom out and down the floor drain. Floor to ceiling…. Now you know why all public bathrooms have floor drains!

  2. Talk about a blowout. I worked with extremely handicapped people at a state institution back in the late 70’s and I experienced cleaning them up after they had a massive blowout of extremely nasty diarrhea that covered them from head to toe. It usually happened right at the end of my shift early in the morning when we were getting them ready for the day shift to take over. And giving them a bath as quick as possible to clean up all the shit. My 3 kids had their moments but never that bad. I don’t envy those stewardesses having to clean up that nasty mess. Hopefully no one on the plane puked after smelling all that nasty shit.

  3. Okay i am trying to figure out how this is possible.
    Theory only: You feel a rumbling,rush to the can at the back of plane,it begins to leak,they are both occupied,you turn tail and head to first class,they block you from entry and all hell breaks loose.
    I will be soon publishing a paper on this.


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