Some Freshman Democrats Want Party Leadership To Stop Stonewalling Trump On Border Security, Immigration – IOTW Report

Some Freshman Democrats Want Party Leadership To Stop Stonewalling Trump On Border Security, Immigration

DC: While Democratic leadership holds the line, apparently refusing to come to the table to negotiate, the resolve of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer in holding out might not be trickling down into the freshman class.

A number of newly-sworn-in Democrats have reportedly voiced frustration with the leaders within their own party, suggesting that they might be willing to at least open the door to negotiate and see what kind of a deal could result.

Democratic New York Rep. Max Rose says he’s ready to get to work, and his first order of business is to reopen the government. Toward that end, he has called for serious negotiations from both sides — making it clear in an interview just days after he was sworn in that he was willing to go toe-to-toe with the leadership in his own party if necessary.  more here

9 Comments on Some Freshman Democrats Want Party Leadership To Stop Stonewalling Trump On Border Security, Immigration

  1. They probably aren’t too happy with Pelosi shutting down the first SOTU they’d get to attend, just to save herself from humiliation by Trump. They all know the shutdown has become personal for her, and they’re sick of being props in her drama. Some of them even came to Congress without a burning need to turn everything into a Trumpocalypse. Maybe they’re just not that into your butt-hurt, Nancy.

  2. @Thirdtwin:

    They probably aren’t too happy with Pelosi shutting down the first SOTU they’d get to attend…

    I’m sure DJT knows this, but Rancid Nan can’t actually shut down the SOTU. Check out Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution:

    [The President] shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses…

  3. So they voted for the same, old people that crashed the bus… To drive the new bus… Because they, those same, old people, promised, during the party election, to crash the new bus… Just as soon as they got the chance. And now we’re supposed to feel bad for them… sitting on the crashed new bus? (Because walking, away, is out of the question.)

    Yeah… I’ll get right on that, whole, concern thing…


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