Some Jukebox Selections From Reader Sienn – IOTW Report

Some Jukebox Selections From Reader Sienn

Sienn is a lurker that wanted to jump into the Jukebox thing we sometimes post.

Thanks Sienn.


13 Comments on Some Jukebox Selections From Reader Sienn

  1. Sienn, let’s start from the bottom. That one was already featured here. Why? I do not know.
    The second, I have tattoo issues with. Bad choices. The neck thing is stupid. And the music is horrid.
    The first, the male has absolutely no voice, unless crack-cocaine is considered a voice!

    This is a BFH joke, right?!

  2. I haven’t listened to these yet. I’d just like to remind people of my policy on posting these.
    I do them sight (hearing) unseen.
    If I only posted what I liked what good would it be?

  3. @BFH, Don’t listen! šŸ™‚
    Just kidding! Yea, totally understand your position. But it is our position as poster’s to critique or applaud. That is the whole point. Sorry about the “BFH, joke, right?”
    Obviously not so and I leave the music out there to the IOTWReport readers and listeners to their own discretion.

  4. The first two are interesting. Believe me, they are 100% better than the crap known currently as music. I was in a store and had to leave because of the abysmal “music” they were playing. No wonder kids are aimless losers; they have nothing good to listen to. It’s that stuff written by just two guys with the same chords and auto tune voices. We had a post about it a few months ago.

    The last song we did have here before, but I think it’s catchy and fun.

    Thanks, Sienn, for your selections. I like to be exposed to different music.

  5. Criticism is part of the risk of submitting.
    Some people don’t GAS what others think, and that’s the best attitude.
    If I posted my Spotify list some would like it, others would reel in horror.

  6. That was fun. I had not seen any of these but it’s always good to listen to others music and find new music that I enjoy. The last one was a great toe tapper and fun to listen to. Great break after all the politics that make my head hurt. Thanks Sienn

  7. These selections remind me of this:

    The above comments remind me of an incident years ago. One night we stopped by a bar to have a beer and shoot some pool. There was a jukebox going and I put some money in. I noticed that Take Five by Dave Brubeck was on there and I thought it would sound good, especially with what was playing at the time. I selected it. Now old type jukeboxes would just scan the numbers and take what was next and not in the order they were selected. By the time Take Five played it did not fit into the music flow in the least bit. You should have heard the reaction from everyone in the place. If anyone knew it was me that picked it I probably would have been lynched.

  8. Those were fun. I got a kick out of the last one even though I don’t usually like music videos–I’d rather just listen to the song and make my own associations. Also, due to my warped sense of humor and the many people I know who share it, “In Hell I’ll Be in Good Company” speaks to me. LOL šŸ˜‰

  9. Merry Poppet “Iā€™d rather just listen to the song and make my own associations. ” I agree totally. I don’t get how people can listen to love songs by total creeps like Ed Sheeran. Women actually fantasize making love to that?
    There have been a lot of absolutely freaky singers (Prince) that once you see their picture it’s hard to associate the song with anything else.
    Tattoos have made an ugly situation even worse.


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