Some Might Call This The “Funnest” Post Of the Day – IOTW Report

Some Might Call This The “Funnest” Post Of the Day

By tradition, the word fun is a noun. “That was fun,” but it can be used as an “attributive noun,” which transforms the word to function as an adjective as in, “this is a fun post.”

Where wordsmiths and spell checkers really get annoyed is the use of the comparative and superlative adjective forms of “funner” and “funnest” instead of the more proper “more fun” or “most fun.”

More grammar references however are accepting “funner” and “funnest.”



22 Comments on Some Might Call This The “Funnest” Post Of the Day

  1. In reality, I’m still chapped over the acceptance of flounder for founder.
    Ships founder, countries founder, companies founder, armies founder.
    Flounder swim and are tasty.

  2. I will never forget the time I was a cook and just scorched the pots.
    I thought the crazy dishwasher dude would be pissed.
    He just shrugged and said “No big deal. It’s more funner this way.”
    It’s stuck with me ever since. When something sucky is coming my way, I just tell myself “It’s more funner this way.”

  3. If you can have badder and baddest, why not gooder and goodest? He was the badder of the bad guys but not the baddest bad ass in town. The gooder guy won the contest but was not the goodest at being good. And don’t forget goody two shoes, those annoying people who like to be gooder than you are and are self righteously good (or gooder) to boot. Now wasn’t that too much funner than just being plain fun.

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