Some of My Best Friends are Eastern Fox Squirrels – IOTW Report

Some of My Best Friends are Eastern Fox Squirrels

A liberal studies professor at Cal Poly wrote and published a paper that states the Eastern Fox Squirrel is the victim of speciesism because of media bias, and she hasn’t been taken from the university in a warm bathrobe with Thorazine darts at the ready.

The paper is rife with Michael Eric Dyson-type diarrhea. It’s a melange of meaningless slop that pretends to be of import by dropping in fashionable buzzwords.

this case presents a unique opportunity to question and retheorize the ontological given of ‘otherness’ that manifests, in part, through a politics whereby animal food choices ‘[come] to stand in for both compliance and resistance to the dominant forces in [human] culture’.

I didn’t make that paragraph up. It’s in her paper.

You can read Rick Moran’s take HERE.

I think this is tripe, because as we all know, the only squirrel really discriminated against is the black squirrel.

ht/ The Mighty Mojo



22 Comments on Some of My Best Friends are Eastern Fox Squirrels

  1. LOLOLOL. Please, somebody please put the human squirrels in a padded cage. This is just sad.
    Parents, are you sure you want to spend tons of money to send your children out to learn from these freaks?

  2. She was published in a Journal called “Gender, Place & Culture A Journal of Feminist Geography”. Her paper was called: “When ‘Angelino’ squirrels don’t eat nuts: a feminist posthumanist politics of consumption across southern California”. It’s a scary piece of trash that looks like a first year students attempt to write a paper with google, the Feminist Studies Syllabus and a thesaurus. Anyway I read some of the other titles and for a moment figured this was an academic version of “The Onion” but actually came across a couple of serious papers. Go to the online journal and check out some of the articles. Geezuz, people got paid for this crap.

  3. A university rat defending yard rats.
    What a surprise.

    Squirrels are cute and as long as they stay out of the cherry tomatoes, they’ll be OK. Dirty little bastards take ONE bite out of EACH tomato! Can’t just take one and eat it! Nooooooooo … have to take ONE bite out of EACH! Kind of typical, really … and I shouldn’t get upset … that’s the way squirrels (and other socialists) are – keep fucking up and pushing until you have to kill them.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. When transmogrifying the juxtaposition of the primary thesis around the axis of prehumanist intra-feminist modality, I find that the Pavlovian anti-conclusionary theorem posits as follows:

    Hey look, a squirrel.

  5. Yada yada yada. They are just daytime rats with a cute, fancy P.R. tail.

    They destroy a lot of property. I like them and trap a lot of them, but have no qualms about pulling the trigger on one if allowed by the customer.

    Yesterday was one of those days. Two trigger pulls, two dead squirrels. Some sheet metal patches and job done. Thank you ma’am. Call me if their friends come to harass you.

    I love my job.

  6. All I know is they taste like chicken, and I get $2.00 for their tail. Also, they are racist against black squirrels. Sometimes they are cool with the greys though.

  7. This is an unremarkable paper in the socialist dialectic style griping about bourgeois capitalist gray squirrel hegemony. I’m sure if we were to look we’d find that the author is just another red squirrel.

  8. I’ve started my paper on the “Eccentricities and Ecological and Ethical Ramifications of the use of Efferdent in the Periodontal Rebuilding of damaged maxilofacial stuff in the Great Northern Winged Spotted Mouse.

    It’s gonna be a hit on Amazon this summer.

  9. Ironically, I discovered the 23rd hole one of those furry tailed rat bastards has made in my house in the last 17 yrs, just today. I have poisoned, trapped, and beaten to death with brooms, so many of those poor, poor blighted creatures, that I’ve lost count, yet my blood lust never ceases.
    Screw this nut job and her nut burying pals.

  10. “Dirty little bastards take ONE bite out of EACH tomato! Can’t just take one and eat it! Nooooooooo … have to take ONE bite out of EACH!”

    LOLOL I laughed a little too hard at that one, Tim. 😀

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