Some People Have To Pay For It – IOTW Report

Some People Have To Pay For It

WFB: Amnesty International is “urgently hiring” paid staffers for a “canvassing team” working to “demand a ceasefire in Gaza now,” according to a new job posting.

The job listing offers recruits up to $30 per hour—plus health, vision, and dental insurance, a 401(k), and weekly and monthly bonuses—to go door-to-door in Seattle and drum up support for “an immediate ceasefire to end civilian suffering.”

“The unparalleled escalation of hostilities between Israel, Hamas and other armed groups has taken a devastating toll on civilians,” the listing reads. “We are demanding that Congress and the Biden administration call for an immediate ceasefire to end civilian suffering.” more

17 Comments on Some People Have To Pay For It

  1. You mean those civilians that were cheering when the hostages were taken? Spitting on them and hitting them as they were paraded through the streets? Those civilians?

  2. A couple weeks ago the wife and I got caught in traffic because of one of these protests. Down in Sacramento County. The town of Folsom. Yea where the prison is located. It was at a very busy intersection. It took us a good 20 minutes to get through the intersection. Plenty of time to observe. So here’s our reconnoiter. Two old Persian looking dudes with radios on high ground. The side walk was full of women and kids. All the women were wearing scarves. The men were scattered all over. Most had loud speakers.There were three guys on bikes. They were wearing knee pads and elbow pads ready for a scrap. Two of the guys on bikes had bats secured on their handle bars. They had radios and were clearly in communication with the two old assholes up high. Some guy in an F150 making a left hand turn yelled something at the crowd and was immediately confronted by the clowns on the bikes. Mean while the local constables were parked across the street and did nothing. These peeps are courting violence. Who knows what some of the rest of the crowd had in their possession?

  3. WTF is a war in the middle east OUR problem anyway? Annihilate hamas by any means necessary IDF but leave us out of it!

  4. There are NO civilians in Gaza.
    Pain is the only thing palestinians understand – they need to feel plenty of it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. And who’s paying Amnesty International to pay the maggots $30/hr plus benefits?
    The usual suspects? Soros, Gates, Buffet, WEF, and other assorted Nazis/Totalitarians?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Tim – FJB
    MONDAY, 1 JULY 2024, 6:03 AT 6:03 AM
    And who’s paying Amnesty International to pay the maggots $30/hr plus benefits?
    The usual suspects? Soros, Gates, Buffet, WEF, and other assorted Nazis/Totalitarians, UNKNOWING AND UNWILLIMG AMERICAN TAXPAYERS?

  7. “Elections have consequences.” – oblowme

    What are you gonna do when the Palestinians of Gaza are in full agreement with their government? The West and especially Americans do not understand the culture there, where all the children are taught and trained to fight and die in their hatred for Israel. And to do so is an honor.
    Islamic extremism does not hold human life sacred. All their emphasis is on the hereafter and pleasing their god enough to make it into paradise.

  8. Amnesty International is well represented among the Hamas Joint Chiefs of Staff as is Doctors Without Borders, and every other of the progressive/Marxist/Satanist fake charities and non-profits the left has infiltrated and taken over and/or set up.

    They can go fuck themselves all right straight the fuck straight off.

  9. moslems are the enemy of all humanity including themselves. The merciful handling of moslems would be rigorous exclusion from our society in all social interaction. Business with the cultists could be handled without allowing them contact with our very superior but easily damaged social structures. A more correct handling would involve extirpation of the cult altogether for the sake of all of humanity.

    Of course the leftists/communists/democrats/anti-American shitlibs… but I repeat myself… will never look reality in the face and accept it for what it is, nor will they educate themselves in any way that does not comport relatively exactly to their directed narrative.


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