Some SJW Would Like All You Straight Chicks To Stop Using The Word “Girlfriend” – IOTW Report

Some SJW Would Like All You Straight Chicks To Stop Using The Word “Girlfriend”

COTR: Some writer named Piper wrote this “article” about how straight chicks shouldn’t be allowed to call our heterosexual friends – who are females (and I’m not going to stop calling women that either), mind you – “girlfriends” anymore.  Perhaps she feels as though it’s somehow appropriating lesbian culture?  (Even though straight women have been using the word “girlfriend” for eons.)

Oh, but this “article,” y’all.  And I am air-quoting that so hard right now, I just got a rotator cuff injury.

According to Piper, “any self-respecting, non-straight woman would never use the word “girlfriend” to designate a platonic friend.”  And so she doesn’t want heterosexual women to use the word “girlfriend” for their platonic friends, either.

Gauntlet thrown.

Her reasons?  One, the “signals for lesbianism” just aren’t clear these days, apparently.  I mean, lesbians don’t wear signs around their necks that say, “Hey there, I sleep with women!”

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16 Comments on Some SJW Would Like All You Straight Chicks To Stop Using The Word “Girlfriend”

  1. What happens when Julie is talking to Jody (who are both hetero) and asks, “are you John’s girlfriend?”

    They don’t wear signs, but most wear a spare tire, piercings in the lips, and answer to “hey Butch!”

  2. So funny! Reminds me of when I discovered my ex-husband had an extra-marital companion. I was trying to figure out how serious their relationship was, and I referred to her as his ‘girlfriend’ and he had a fit. “Don’t call her my girlfriend!” He said. I said, “I was trying to be respectful. What should I call her, your slut, mistress, bitch, what?”

    Some people will deny truth (in his case, in denial that he was breaking his own code of conduct, I suppose), at all costs. That doesn’t mean I have to buy into their fantasy.

  3. Fine. As long as you little millennial twerp gals stop calling chicks “dude”. And stop begininning every declarative sentence with “So,”. It grows tiresome.

  4. Faggot-queer-lesbo-dyke- those are the names I was taught and grew up with. I won’t change to coddle their feelings. you got that girlfriend? 🙂

  5. No problem recognizing most lesbians I meet. Overweight, grotesque hair, grotesque clothes. Frowning fat jowly faces. Low level government jobs.

    I’d be happy to discover this is another parody article satirizing SJW lunacy.

  6. I’ve never used the word “girlfriend” to describe my girl friends. Maybe I will now. No one tells me what words I can and cannot use.

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