OMG 🤣🤣
— Raheem Kassam (@RaheemKassam) February 4, 2021
I'm two doors down from @aoc and no insurrectionists stormed our hallway…
— Nancy Mace (@NancyMace) February 4, 2021
She was dodging sniper fire as she out-maneuvered the unwashed hordes of insurrectionists but courageously marched forward into the bright dawn of socialism! Carrying the Red Banner!
izlamo delenda est …
Any surprise that she’s a blatant opportunistic twister of truth?
BTW the election was stolen.
The little girl who cried wolf.
PS. Massive voter fraud.
PSS. And election fraud.
If you have ever met a progressive that wasn’t a lying sack of shit drama queen you have come across one more than I have
Whatever you say about her, keep in mind that she gets elected and re-elected and is becoming one of the more powerful members of Congress, someone who is among the emerging leadership of the New Deal Left that is taking over the Democrat party.
It’s hard to believe that even New Yorkers are stupid enough to elect and reelect AOC.
Progs are all aspiring actors. If they can’t make it in/to Hollywood there’s always the democRAT party!
Tony R,
Interestingly enough, the higher the average IQ of a State is the more likely it is to be a Leftist State.
Multiple explanations for this are possible, but that is the seeming situation no matter which of them applies.
My shop image is better. Just saying.
Dianny: Yours IS better.
Saw a funny comment on Gab: ‘Every time AOC opens her mouth she drops a tray of drinks’.
Who ever tells the best lies, with the most followers, wins. They probably have a point system for who comes up with the best lie.
One good thing is, they have revealed their true faces, both of them.
Nothing is worth using twitter for. And that includes making fun of AOSmollett.
the re election of this PoS, is rigged non a smaller scale.
AOC brought to you by voter fraud in NY.
They narrowed her district to get rid of her. Let’s see if it worked. lol
She doesn’t come close to a being a dictator. Well, maybe that thing on the neck of Kim Jong Un’s grandpa.
Yes I was there too, fending off radicals with my bare hands and my pocket knife/nail clippers. I’m a little bruised but you should see the other guys.
Brian, you owe me a new set of Red Wings when you dented my steel toes with yer nut sack!
@Anonymous FEBRUARY 4, 2021 AT 11:21 AM
“Tony R,
Interestingly enough, the higher the average IQ of a State is the more likely it is to be a Leftist State.”
Maybe not. Looks like an even red/blue split among the 25 states with the highest average IQ. NY is right in the middle.
Great work, Dianny. AOC and “Juicey” Smallett are graduates of the Hollyweird Bad Actors Master Class.
Ok it’s out there now, I really do have balls of steel.
@ANONYMOUS “Whatever you say about her, keep in mind that she gets elected and re-elected and is becoming one of the more powerful members of Congress, someone who is among the emerging leadership of the New Deal Left that is taking over the Democrat party.” How do we know voter fraud hasn’t happened in local, State, as well as Federal elections? Digital voting was not to be trusted when it started. No receipt. No record of where votes go. Voters should present valid ID, registration card, sign, and fingerprint precinct log and ballot and get a receipt. What to do about the counting though…?
Maureen- good point.
I wonder if we can go state by state and put that on TV. Count out the votes while everyone watches. Kinda like at the bank when you make a withdrawal and they count the hundred dollar bills in front of your face?
Or in my case, fives and 10s? lol
Brian Williams – Cha-ching! 👍